Artist Statement -

My journey as an artist began with my first crayon. I have always been in love
with color. Over the years I've developed a passion for lines, forms, space, and the spaces between . Be it paint, inks, dyes, or watercolors, each media excites me.

I experiment in diverse styles, allowing the subject, materials, and concepts, to influence the final outcome.

My work is often a fusion of opposites -- chance and deliberation; remnants of the past link to the present; fluid pools of color, allowed to drip and layer and develop alongside the thick, structural impasto effects.

For me, art is a necessity; a surrendering, a discovery, and a celebration.
It transforms thoughts and ideals into dimensional realities beyond the flat surface. The interior process of abstraction suspends me from isolation, and connects me with my most authentic self,as well as the rest of humanity.

Artist Exhibitions

Shop talk and art gallery
35 lafayette street
(across the street from the brooklyn academy of music)
brooklyn, new yourk
"Visceral Currents"
abstract paintings by evie tirado
april 23-30
reception: thursday, april 23, 2009
6:30 to 9:30...

Artist Publications


Artist Collections

Numerous private, corporate, museum, gallery and government collections detailed information coming soon.

Artist Favorites