Artist Statement -

I’m a child in my mother’s garden. Flashes of color and light dance as I hold my first kaleidoscope up to one eye, close the other, find a source of light, and the rest of the world disappears while I endlessly turn, turn, turn.

The light transforms broken bits of colored glass into perfect rays of symmetry. Identical triangles recede into the mirrors, creating vibrant patterns, effortlessly changing as I spin the tube while my heart beats in wild delight at the endless play of animations.

I slow the spin, watch for an exceptional shape and stop. The momentary pattern is fragile, can collapse in an instant, so I hold very, very still. Even then, precision is required.

Who would imagine that I was igniting a life-long passion for the swirling patterns of light and color born on a summer’s day so long ago.

Today my kaleidoscope is more complex. Computer software and hardware replace the simple tube of cardboard, glass, and mirror. I sit with a stylus and keyboard, watching the show unfold as I turn, layer, and spin the reflection from one of my photographs, brightly illuminated in my monitor.

No longer restricted to a three-way reflection or a flat mirror, I romp through polar space, fiddle with fractals, and play in the realm of infinite images.

From one of my photographs, I pull out the metaphorical “broken bits of glass” and turn these into my own kaleidoscopic imagery—spinning, nudging, and shifting these flecks of light until, like that child on the lawn, my heart beats wildly and I become lost in the endless dance of color, light and shape.

Artist Exhibitions


December 6 – 17, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 6 - 8 pm

Ste­fa­nia Car­rozzini

Andrea Agrati / Beat­rice Cor­radi Dell’Acqua / Alessio Elli / Karen Hochman Brown / Yeoun Lee / Emanuele Panz­era / Matti Sirvio / Lis­beth Svens­son / Dal Pozzo D’Annone / Canal Cheong-Jagerroos / Mike Wong Joon Fong

Onishi Gallery is pleased to announce DREAMSCAPES, an inter­na­tional exhi­bi­tion fea­tur­ing ten artists curated by Ste­fa­nia Car­rozzini, a Milan based inde­pen­dent cura­tor. Her shows have received wide acclaim in New York, China and as well as in sev­eral cities in Italy.

The big adven­ture of art is the abil­ity to see beyond what is known, beyond the lim­its of real­ity. Artists have always worked in that area which belongs to dreams and the imag­i­na­tion. The cre­ative process advances by asso­ci­a­tion, it is made of the same stuff as dreams. Unhooked from our day­time life we are free to recre­ate our­selves. Sym­bols of indi­vid­ual adven­ture, dreams appear to us as the truest and most secret expres­sion of our­selves. When we dream we are all artists, even though uncon­sciously, of extra­or­di­nary tales, of chained dra­mas, uncon­fess­able desires, totally free from schemes and moral judg­ment. The world of dreams is over­flow­ing with sym­bols and is struc­tured as a lan­guage, it com­mu­ni­cates much more about our life than our day­time con­scious­ness lets on.

Sim­i­lar to dreams also art is nec­es­sary to the bio­log­i­cal and men­tal har­mony of the indi­vid­ual. Both serve to absolve a vital func­tion: the hunger for free­dom and poetry. Cre­ative lan­guage thus gath­ers the demand for rep­re­sen­ta­tion of codes and sym­bols, until it trans­forms the energy of uncon­scious pul­sa­tions, even con­flict­ing, into a need for truth. The dream is like prepara­tory rough work, an approx­i­mate sketch, a project of the future con­scious activ­ity. Such a men­tal activ­ity may be assim­i­lated to the cre­ative process. The uncon­scious is known to be the big tank from which to get ideas and like dreams also art feeds on symbols.
Dream­scapes are free spaces where the dreamer is always the main char­ac­ter. In this space, time and the rules of grav­ity do not exist; the rules are over­turned, absurd. The prospects are at times decep­tive, or too real; the out­lines of ethe­real things, sub­tle, sus­pended, at the limit of what is vis­i­ble. It is with this aware­ness that we are per­haps ready to meet art.

Ste­fa­nia Carrozzini...

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