Artists Describing Their Art:
Engelina Zandstra - In the labyrinth of my thoughts there are many roads that are leading to the unknown. many roads are leading to the unknown - around every corner a surprise - fata morganas unprecedented views - paintings designed according to laws of their own. ...
Guy Octaaf Moreaux - Since the end of August 2019 I moved back to Brussels, Belgium. The three years I spent in Kenya have been super interesting and moved me to paint my african impressions. I feel privileged to have learned so much of this wonderful part of the world which was quite foreign to me before. Life is full of emotions about people, nature, things etc...and leaving Kenya will be hard indeed. One of the biggest luxuries in life, is to live surrounded by beauty. This is what I am trying to do. And yes one can see beauty is a state of mind. Harmony is an integral part of beauty, this is what I am trying to convey in my work. It is indeed a necessity for me to create. It has always been this way for as far as I can remember. Not creating makes me feel empty and unfulfilled. In every day life it pervades all my actions, from cooking to finding different places to visit, walk, etc....Have a look at the furniture I created lower in my portfolio. The architects who sold my furniture were the first ones to sell my paintings. For painting, nature ...
David Larkins - IA-A?A1/2ve always been intrigued by the luminosity and transparencies found in watercolor, Oil and acrylic mediums. I believe an artist must experience the painting A-A?A1/2 to absorb the surroundings, the atmosphere, to have a oneness with the subject matter before the first brush stroke is applied. My style is described as A-A?A1/2Abstract RealismA-A?A1/2 and my strength is found in the composition. IA-A?A1/2m drawn to diverse subject matter that challenges the viewer to see abstraction in the ordinary A-A?A1/2 to meld the A-A?A1/2realA-A?A1/2 world with the A-A?A1/2abstractA-A?A1/2. ...
Vladimir Volosov - I was born in 1937 in Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia). My way to art was a lengthy one. Before becoming an artist, I studied for thirty years at the forefront of modern physics as a PhD scientist and professor, author more than 150 scientific articles in contemporary laser physics. Thirty years of strenuous scientific work on the front edge of modern physics gives me a deep feeling for the anxiety and unprotectedness of the world's beauty. The formula, "beauty saves the world" fits my own attitude. My creed is also embodied in the statement: "to have time to realize everything given to you by Nature." At the threshold of my fifties, I decided to live one more life, a new, alluring life of the free artist. I walked away from my established scientific career and completely devoted myself to painting. In 1991 I founded and headed the association "Light, Color and Art" to connect with scientists engaged in the arts. The main directions of my paintings are lyrical realism and abstract compositions. My paintings are about light, color, atmosphere and space. For me, the most important elements are light and color and their juxtaposition/nexus/meeting of...
Denise Dalzell - Painting. Illustration. Expressionism. Pop Art. Modern. Realism and, occasionally, a bit of Abstraction. My current work centers on my consideration of how we respond to each other, the stories that develop between us and around us, and how our collective stories reflect on and influence us individually. How our stories bounce off each other and combine to create new stories. My paintings are illustrations of the scenes that I encounter during my travels abroad and in daily life so, some scenes are more sweeping than others. How do we, as people of differing backgrounds, cultures, and experiences interact with each other Are we different people in a crowd than when alone How do we fit in or stand out where we find ourselves at any given moment, in any given story Stories are everywhere, and thereAC/a,!a,,C/s no predicting what theyAC/a,!a,,C/ll reveal. Body language, movement, color, contrast combine to illustrate my scenes of interaction between people and within environments. The excitement of being a part of something as unifying as a protest, the sense of adventure that comes from starting out with no particular destination, intimate moments with those we love and those we discover in the big events...
Joanna Pettit-Almasude - My art work centers on my concern for humans, animals and our planet. I tend to focus on expressive portrayals of the human condition. In many of my previous works, I was especially motivated to describe the challenging position of marginalized peoples in the world. I am currently concentrating on conservation and environmental issues as well as the importance of moving toward eating a whole non-processed plant based diet. I also plan to work on artwork that discusses how we humans need to care for all animals including the human animal and work to sustain our earth that we all depend on. All of these issues tend to be interrelated and merge into one holistic approach to life, not only through mind, body spirit but also through our relationships with and responsibility to the world around us....
Paulo Medina - Para mAfA, el arte, ha sido como una pequeAfA+-a barca en donde he cruzado muchas veces el mar. Una barca frAfA!gil y pequeAfA+-a, sin embargo, capaz de cruzar hacia grandes horizontes. La barca ha sido un instrumento AfAotil, pero nada mAfA!s... La pintura es poesAfAa silenciosa SimAfA3nides Artistic experience, as a spectator, and then, more directly, as an artist, has meant for me the possibility of transcending and reaching certain spaces that are intangible, but lived daily. As a creator, to be in front of a blank canvas or a digital image to be manipulated, is to be faced with a challenge that of translating to the language of forms, textures and colors something that has not yet been conceptualized, but that exists somewhere and that I desire to capture, expressing it through those materials and tools at my disposal. It thereby becomes a kind of game, in which time disappears and one enters into communion with the aesthetic experience with its infinity of moments, which go from pain to ecstasy. Self-taught experimentation in the field of art, has been for me one of the great pleasures of life. La experiencia artAfAstica ...
Avril Ward - ArtistaEURtms statement. Creating has become an intricately woven part of my life. I must express nature, as it is my window to God. I must delight in the human body, a marvel that never ceases to amaze. I must express love and joy-this keeps them tangible in my life. I must trust my instincts and skills allowing them to lead me in the right direction. Most importantly: if my art can move a person to pause, think, smile, ponder, cry, laugh, be encouraged or give them hope, then I have served my purpose in life.aEUR To view a video about, my inspiration and work methods in sculpture please copy and paste the link to your browser.
Austen Pinkerton - Austen Pinkerton If I turn my mind to it very quickly I can come up with several ideas for works AC/a,!A|paintings, drawings, or sculptures. Sometimes ideas come to me when I least expect it, or when my mind is on other things. Ideas can be related to my current experiences, or to my feelings about things that are happening to me in my life at that particular time. Alternatively they can be related to a current interest, or something that occupies my attention at that moment, and my ideas and feelings about which Id like to share with others. A lot of my work is autobiographicalAC/a,!A|either directly or indirectly, consciously or subconsciously. It is frequently very personal, and expresses events or circumstances or experiences in my life. I usually work in either Acrylic on Canvas, Crayon or Pastel, or both together, with Gouache, on card, Drawing in pencil, or Ink, or both, or with creating SculptureAC/a,!A|for which I use fired artists clay. Sculpture follows a completely different set of rules and values from two-dimensional art, obviously, I think of it as Drawing in three dimensions and I take this into account when creating mine. In all my...
Jose Freitascruz - Borneo 2003The tropical rainforest and tales of maritime exploration continue to be reflected in my work. Indeed, travel and displacement condition my work - the many places I have lived in throughout my childhood and those others my chronic wanderlust has led me to since then have always had an impact on the choices and directions I have taken. The knowledge that a new perspective can be acquired over things we believe to be fixed triggers curiosity and fosters a certain degree of unconformity. The need to find and learn new ways to depict whatever it is I wish to depict keeps me on my toes and doesnt allow me to settle with the tools or the style I am already familiar with - I am constantly on the move and my painting is meant to be a record of the path I move along. Perceived from a distance my approach tends to be cyclic, each cycle divided into series. Progression occurs from the outside in AC/a,!aEURoe from the surface to the core, from a certain degree of figuration to abstraction. Upon tackling each new theme I will be struck by the outward aspect of things and charged with a strong desire to ...