Artists Describing Their Art:
Lou Posner - FLASH New offer on the classic 1982 Posners Pocket Guide to Oil Painting. Hand-written, then reproduced by offset process. Hand-assembled. Original, unique art attached to EVERY cover. No two alike. Some in oil paint, some in other media. Collectors item. Best pocket guide to oil painting, ever. For beginners as well as advanced artists. 450 dollars each plus first class postage. Indiana residents add 7 percent sales tax to merchandise not including postage and shipping. Selection of cover art offered, but not guaranteed. Use email messaging here to contact the artist. No postage if you pick it up about 10 mi. north of Tell City, Indiana. Not set up for credit card sales. Check or cash only. Buy one or more, OR later on, kick yourself in the behind for passing up a real bargain and an investment opportunity. After you reach the main or first Posner portfolio page, the tour is pretty intuitive. Please click on an image to enlarge it and bring up further details about the piece of art and a description or story about it. Once you have done this, you may also click on zoom-in, a function, which may or may not...
Jack Earley - After writing for two decades, I was developing an idea that I knew could be better expressed as a painting. So in the mid-eighties I took up full-time a life-time passion: painting. My work is about inner energy; about, first of all, my own energy and internal balance, reinforced through the practice of yoga and tai chi. I sign the inner energy of the subject matter onto the canvas. I work with acrylics on canvas and sumi-e inks on rice paper. I also sculpt using wood, copper and leather. Along with focusing on the inner energy of my subject matter, I am constantly working with an awareness that humans have an ancient need to see form, be it in clouds or in chipped paint on a wall or in waving leaves. The ability to decipher forms is part of our oldest survival skills. Imagine the advantage of being able to quickly spot the approaching bear among the shifting shadows of trees. Imagine the advantage and the thrill. On many canvases, I create forms so the viewer aEURoediscoversaEUR them in an uplifting act. Often, I give the paint its head in creating forms, like freeing a captured ...
Environmental Artist Apollo - "The beauty of our planet should be held in respect as well as reverence and awe! As the care takers of this precious jewel called Earth it is our duty to become more harmonious with our environment, for what we hold in our hands is a trust for future generations. What we do today, creates tomorrow." APOLLO Internationally Renowned Environmental Artist. Apollo is one of the World's Leading Environmental Artists. Apollo started painting dolphins and whales when He first moved to Maui in 1980. Since that time he has developed a Worldwide Following and has had the privilege to work with several Environmental Groups to raise both funding and awareness. ...
Environmental Artist Apollo -
Environmental Artist Apollo -
Jan Theuninck - Abstract painter and poet,his work is about The Great War, old and new colonialism, the international migration society, pacifism, the jews and the holocaust. On his painting Holocaust and his poem Shoa, he said : Those things are inextricable bound up in my mind, with words I make an image and vice versa !...
Shakespeare Guirand - Painting has become the only form of art that gives true meaning to my life and my freedom. My work has evolved around my journey, my life. I communicate my emotions, my spirituality, my veneration for Woman and her sensuality, as well as the beauty of life. The pieces also examine the values or issues that I cherish whether it is melancholy, joy, risk, freedom, spirituality. My subjects derived as well from my surroundings. Combining abstract and surrealism provide me with a sense of freedom to create and to explore. Furthermore it translates the intrigue, the mystery, the divine facet of the Woman, her infinite beauty. My colors, texture, design differ as they evolve through my journey. Each body of work introduces new colors, shapes or themes. I am consistently exploring and discovering. ...
Dario Raffaele Orioli - A painting, statue or other work of art speaks best for itself, without superfluous words, but to say a few words about my opinion about art. Art allows us to live, differently at different periods stages of life. Different already in character, temperament of each individual. Through art I seek man Of course, many painters run away from looking for a man because it is a painstaking job, so it is easier for them to end up in abstractions, concepts, etc. under the pretext that it is modern.Abstraction is a trip to the unknown, but after many years of such a trip to the unknown, one gets tired and realizes that he needs the peace and stability he can find in the knowledge of the world around him, which is right outside of him and if he knows how to look, he can think through it enjoy it here and now There is a saying that every living being is a snapshot of nature towards man, this can be applied to art ....Any abstraction is an artists shot at figuration.... Of course it can be the other way around, but what a world this would be if it were ...
Jerry Ross - Manifesto of American Verismo By Jerry Ross, 2012 "American verismo", a movement that I have recently founded, is a catch-all phrase for an artistic style that draws its main inspiration from Italian art, both classical and modern. There is an implied nostalgia for work done aEURoedal veroaEUR (after life) whether classical (Raphael, Rubens, or Caravaggio, etc.) or 19th century (the Tuscan I Macchiaioli school) or more contemporary. Verismo is somewhat akin to contemporary aEURoeatelier realismaEUR but the latter has been criticized for an academic uniformity and its over attention to details. American verismo is more poetic and linked to post-impressionism, the Milan-based Scapigliatura (aEUR~wild hairaEURtm) movement, and the I MachiaioliaEURtms commitment to social issues. But like atelier realism, American verismo is associated with a painterly sketching style, use of broad brushstrokes, and the alla prima, aEURoedirect attackaEUR technique of painting. It is also linked to all'aperto (open air) impressionist-style landscape painting. In short, to pleinairism which has become widely popular in recent years. I first introduced the term during several classes he taught at the Maude Kerns Art Center in Eugene and then later at the "Angels Fight Road Art Center" plein air retreat...