Artists Describing Their Art:
Denise Dalzell - Painting. Illustration. Expressionism. Pop Art. Modern. Realism and, occasionally, a bit of Abstraction. My current work centers on my consideration of how we respond to each other, the stories that develop between us and around us, and how our collective stories reflect on and influence us individually. How our stories bounce off each other and combine to create new stories. My paintings are illustrations of the scenes that I encounter during my travels abroad and in daily life so, some scenes are more sweeping than others. How do we, as people of differing backgrounds, cultures, and experiences interact with each other Are we different people in a crowd than when alone How do we fit in or stand out where we find ourselves at any given moment, in any given story Stories are everywhere, and thereAC/a,!a,,C/s no predicting what theyAC/a,!a,,C/ll reveal. Body language, movement, color, contrast combine to illustrate my scenes of interaction between people and within environments. The excitement of being a part of something as unifying as a protest, the sense of adventure that comes from starting out with no particular destination, intimate moments with those we love and those we discover in the big events...
Vladimir Volosov - I was born in 1937 in Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia). My way to art was a lengthy one. Before becoming an artist, I studied for thirty years at the forefront of modern physics as a PhD scientist and professor, author more than 150 scientific articles in contemporary laser physics. Thirty years of strenuous scientific work on the front edge of modern physics gives me a deep feeling for the anxiety and unprotectedness of the world's beauty. The formula, "beauty saves the world" fits my own attitude. My creed is also embodied in the statement: "to have time to realize everything given to you by Nature." At the threshold of my fifties, I decided to live one more life, a new, alluring life of the free artist. I walked away from my established scientific career and completely devoted myself to painting. In 1991 I founded and headed the association "Light, Color and Art" to connect with scientists engaged in the arts. The main directions of my paintings are lyrical realism and abstract compositions. My paintings are about light, color, atmosphere and space. For me, the most important elements are light and color and their juxtaposition/nexus/meeting of...
Marsha Bowers - Marsha Bowers was born and raised in the Central Valley of California. She is a classically trained fine artist, skilled in the old Masters techniques of Flemish/Bistre and Venetian method using a grisaille underpainting and glazing with many layers. Most of her fine art paintings are rendered in oil. She sometimes applies real gold leaf into the artworks. Marsha finds inspiration in the old masters of the past. She spends many hours visiting Museums studying their work. Gothic and Renaissance are her favorite periods along with the Pre-Raphaelites artists. The artist loves the blending of the classical painting techniques with a more contemporary approach to her paintings. Her recent fine art paintings are of women, both figurative and portraiture. The inspiration for her paintings comes from her observations of life itself and through her own experiences. Each painting shares a message, story or emotion. Its what the artist herself describes as a "flowing" of the spirit, a creative process through which the artist paints a story unto the canvas, realizing that each viewer of her work may have their own interpretation of what the art is conveying. Most recently Marsha was invited to be included into the International ...
Dan Shiloh - I was born in Jerusalem Israel. I attended an officers nautical school and served in the navy as an engineer on a destroyer. After the navy I moved to Chicago USA and studied architecture at U of I Chicago campus and graduated in 1972 . I moved back to Israel and opened an architectural office in a small settlement in the Galilee region which became very successful. I retired about 10 years ago and opened as a hobby a black smith studio where I made metal sculptures. In 2009 I moved to Tel Aviv and started painting and sculpting in clay which I do up to these days. I was always interested in arts and I enjoy my painting and sculpting very much. Every year I travel to Florence Italy for at least a month where I paint and sculpt in the Accademia de Arte. I think its about time to share my work with the public and I hope it will enrich the homes of who ever likes my works....
Engelina Zandstra - In the labyrinth of my thoughts there are many roads that are leading to the unknown. many roads are leading to the unknown - around every corner a surprise - fata morganas unprecedented views - paintings designed according to laws of their own. ...
Austen Pinkerton - Austen Pinkerton If I turn my mind to it very quickly I can come up with several ideas for works AC/a,!A|paintings, drawings, or sculptures. Sometimes ideas come to me when I least expect it, or when my mind is on other things. Ideas can be related to my current experiences, or to my feelings about things that are happening to me in my life at that particular time. Alternatively they can be related to a current interest, or something that occupies my attention at that moment, and my ideas and feelings about which Id like to share with others. A lot of my work is autobiographicalAC/a,!A|either directly or indirectly, consciously or subconsciously. It is frequently very personal, and expresses events or circumstances or experiences in my life. I usually work in either Acrylic on Canvas, Crayon or Pastel, or both together, with Gouache, on card, Drawing in pencil, or Ink, or both, or with creating SculptureAC/a,!A|for which I use fired artists clay. Sculpture follows a completely different set of rules and values from two-dimensional art, obviously, I think of it as Drawing in three dimensions and I take this into account when creating mine. In all my...
Daniel Clarke - Daniel E. Clarke is a Los Angeles Native who has been painting his entire career in the Los Angeles area. His art education has included studying under the internationally famous Timothy Clark, UCLA Extension University, and Glendale College. He has explored both pictorial and abstract designs but is dedicated to a free flow of color and dynamic composition. Mr. Clarke has concentrated on the acrylic and watercolor medium, and paints on location in his Los Angeles based studio. He also maintains his paintings and sales in his own company called Berrypunch Gallery. ...
Valda Fitzpatrick - In earlier years, my dream was to become a doctor, or an artist, unfortunately I was unable to tolerate the site of blood. In order to save the patents , I made a wise decision to study art . I love every aspect of art and explore with all medias. my favorite is the French artist Monet, who was my inspiration with his incredible impressionistic style which I love to paint with oils. For a change , designing contemporary art with paper, ,interesting found objects to let my imagination go. When I am in my large studio I am in heaven. When I was still a student , I went to many art shows and did commissions. Which I financed 1 000 percent of my college expenses, and my own studios , which my husband build through the sale of my art work, a career experience that demonstrates the great practical worth of art studies and education. EDUCATION The Ohio State University , master of Arts, Supervision and Education Administration, December 1986 . The Ohio State University, Bachelor of art Education , August 1980 . The Ohio State University, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting And Drawing, June 1978. I further followed up my education at the Columbus of Art ...
Paulo Medina - Para mAfA, el arte, ha sido como una pequeAfA+-a barca en donde he cruzado muchas veces el mar. Una barca frAfA!gil y pequeAfA+-a, sin embargo, capaz de cruzar hacia grandes horizontes. La barca ha sido un instrumento AfAotil, pero nada mAfA!s... La pintura es poesAfAa silenciosa SimAfA3nides Artistic experience, as a spectator, and then, more directly, as an artist, has meant for me the possibility of transcending and reaching certain spaces that are intangible, but lived daily. As a creator, to be in front of a blank canvas or a digital image to be manipulated, is to be faced with a challenge that of translating to the language of forms, textures and colors something that has not yet been conceptualized, but that exists somewhere and that I desire to capture, expressing it through those materials and tools at my disposal. It thereby becomes a kind of game, in which time disappears and one enters into communion with the aesthetic experience with its infinity of moments, which go from pain to ecstasy. Self-taught experimentation in the field of art, has been for me one of the great pleasures of life. La experiencia artAfAstica ...
Becky Soria - Subject matter in painting is merely the trigger that allows the expression of something more profound, unconscious and possibly hidden even from oneself, and therefore all inclusive, so viscerally immanent to humankind R. Alonzo Totems beyond Patriarchy May 2014 Nature has been qualified as a female organic form by most ancient cultures, but for the last millennia or so, the world has been primarily perceived and shaped by the masculine side of the species. Our recent history however has seen a trend towards a natural reversion to a feminine bias, with women becoming increasingly more crucial to all aspects of society. These works serve to remind us about these issues and others that we continue to face the world while reinventing the female figure as an emblem for current conditions and a new Totem for the future. The juxtaposition between the representations of the animals and plants in compromised an ailing conditions and the female form that seems to swallow and revive the life- infused aspects of her creation, render a sense of hope for a future in which the maternal provides a healing force to an ailing planet. Signs. Symbols. Sentinels February 2, 2013 The works of the present ...
Mac Worthington - BIO Internationally recognized and locally renowned, Mac Worthington continues his inspirational fine art past his studio and into your home. Each piece reflects his desire for difference and neglect for the norm. Born and raised in Canton, Ohio also known as A-A?A1/2Little ChicagoA-A?A1/2, Mac was privileged to be molded around a family of artists. His father John A-A?A1/2JackA-A?A1/2 Worthington was a local artist, well-known for this bronze sculptures, specifically busts for movie stars and sports figures included in the Pro Football Hall of Fame located in Canton, Ohio. His mother Marion Worthington was skilled in enameling and silver work. The combination of creative talent and environment made him destined for artistic success. Serving in the jungles of Vietnam at the age of nineteen Mac interpreted the indescribable feelings of war into powerful expressions of art. He attributes additional creativeness to influences such as Hells Angels, Elvis, Bob Dylan, Marlon Brando and the 60A-A?A1/2s era. Going back to his roots he entered the world of heavy metal. Teaching himself to weld he used steel and iron to create massive, grandiose outdoor sculptures. Becoming more skilled with his mediums, he discovered the versatile use of high tech aluminum. This skill ...
Ben Hotchkiss - My name is Ben Hotchkiss. I am 75 years old and have been painting abstract paintings for over 40 years. My interest in art germinated in my fathers studio when I was very young. I used to watch him paint. Often, while watching him paint I would thumb thru his bools on earlier painters of the 20th Century. I especially liked those of the Expressionists,Imressionists,Cubists and Abstract Painters. I was expecially intrigued by the color plates of abstract artists. They did not depect anythingwhat did they mean. But I didnt really begin painting for another 20 years when I was down and out in a rooming house in San Francisco. I actually started doing abstract water colors . In 1980 I moved to Northampton, Ma. and discovered an Art Supply store near by. At this point I had an inspiration to switch from water colors to oils. i started on a shoe string with canvas boards, Duro oil paints and small brushes. I am still painting to this day but on masonite now. I have always been a student of visual expression. I especially like compositions of thingsi.e. many visual en entities working together to create a composite ...