Artists Describing Their Art:
Tracy Brown - The photographer, Tracy Brown, has a wide range of photographic subject matter in her portfolio.A,A Life has many paths which she has explored.A,A She started her passion in photography while doing medical and humanitarian work many years ago. The joy of capturing the people and places visited by the few, inspired the concept of sharing these things with the world. She plans to continue her medical and humanitarian work by financing projects through her photography endeavors. She looks forward to you joining her on the new Poetry In Pictures website coming online the beginning of 2020. TracyA,A is excited to share the stories of the people and places which have blessed her life, to be featured on the website.A,A The birth of this dream would not have been possible without the whole team at Poetry In Pictures. From everyone at Poetry In Pictures, thank you for sharing with us lifes journey in pictures. ...
Nancy Bechtol - Artists explore and give the world a view of their personal heightened awareness. I visualize and think with keen beliefs and insights. Reflection of human and societal concerns which cross emotional boundaries-- communicating that which is unspoken. My traditional art foundations of drawing, painting and printmaking, evolved into video, digital photography and experimental media. I use digital photography and imaging to envision the concepts originating from the creative pulse.An individual artist explores and gives the world a view of their personal heightened awareness. Artists see and think with keen beliefs and insights.Reflection of human and societal concerns which cross emotional boundaries-- communicating that which is unspoken. My traditional art foundations of drawing, painting and printmaking, evolved into video, digital photography and experimental media. I use digital photography and imaging to envision the concepts originating from the creative pulse....
Micha Nussinov - NussinovaEURtms Statement Oct 2012 Drifting, being transient, in between various states of body/mind, like when we travel physically and with our imagination, as in a aEUR~waking dreamaEURtm. My work represents a world of ambiguity and illusion, of recognized and abstracted scenes embedded as a tapestry of matter, illustrating different relationships. Somewhere in the process of creating artworks these worlds are mixed in an harmonious and conflicting manner, representing the contradiction and collision between languages and landscapes. At all times the viewer is challenged to unfold the mystery, to explore and discover. The works of art are created not through a planned process but rather the starting point is an impulse, a visual or musical trigger. These signals lure the me into the unknown territories where my intuition and inner vision leads to spontaneous discoveries. As a teenager my box camera was an excuse to drift away from trouble, to capture in a photo something, that was at the same time ambiguous and exciting. As a cinematographer/ director of documentaries from1976 to1980 I was acknowledged as an acute observer of people and an highly experimental filmmaker. I have been working in various fields of the arts, consistently for the ...
Alessandro Zanazzo - Alessandro Zanazzo was born in Rome. He is Professor of Photography at Temple University and John Cabot University in Rome. He has been working at several Art projects concerning the interaction between different artistic languages photography, video, installations, performances, music. He spent many years abroad, living in in Bergen Norway and in Paris France and has participated to the French Biennial of Photography A-A?A1/2Le Mois de la PhotoA-A?A1/2 where he showed his artworks inspired by two classic latin writers A-A?A1/2The MetamorphosisA-A?A1/2 by Ovidio and A-A?A1/2The Rerum NaturaA-A?A1/2 by Lucrezio. His pictures habe been exhibited in European Art Galleries and Museums and in places like the deconsacrated church of S. Peter at Melle France or the S. Angel Castle in Rome. Beside his artistic researches, Alessandro Zanazzo is a professional free lance photographer available for assignments worldwide. In June 2007 he has been invited as Media Photographer by Zimbabwe Tourism Authority and the Embassy of Zimbabwe to take pictures in Africa. In April 2007 he has been the official photographer for the Embassy of Belgium during the visit of her Majesty the Queen Paola of Belgio,in Italy. His works incklude Advertising campaigns, Editorial Photography, PortraitPeople , Fashion , Architecture and Interiors, Landscape, ...
Henning Von Berg - "Provocative photos for people who understand the fine difference between sex and sensuality!" A(r) IN-Magazine, Hollywood: Noted photographer Henning von Berg is the guy whose photos of 6 nude men in the German parliament'Reichstag' made the front pages of 46 international newspapers. Famous for bizarre group shoots in unique locations, the former architect likes to combine all kinds of bodies & buildings. Henning von Berg is the last male descendent of a traditional German family (477 years old). He took his first nude photos at the tender age of 12, and today the 6'5" tall giant has earned world wide recognition as a trend setter and a fearless lensman. He is willing to break all the rules to achieve startling photos of women and men in great settings, public and private. To date, the work of'HvB' is known on all five continents. His material has been published in a variety of high-profile periodicals, on greeting cards, calendars and lithograph posters, as well as all kinds of art books. Von Berg lives and creates in Amsterdam, Hollywood and Berlin. His artistic motto A(r) is: "Provocative photos for people who understand the fine difference between sex and sensuality!"A(r)...
Ellen Spijkstra - I am not interested in telling a story. I will not try to give a complete overview. I hope to make people more aware of the beautiful images around them; the interesting shapes of the weathered (coral) stones on the beach, how the reflection of a ship colors the water, a detail of a monument, or the pattern of a leaf. I am fascinated by material. The process of erosion and damage. The contrast between skins. I make use of this in rhythmic compositions or forms. In my photographs you can see I am a ceramist at heart. ...