Clouds Photographs   (Page 1 of 2)

Browse 40 Clouds Photographs artworks for sale. Contemporary artists: Luise Andersen offering Photographs artworks. Links to more artworks by these contemporary artists and 2 pages for Photography% and further artists at the bottom of this page. To view a work by any of these contemporary artists simply click on the image or browse the artist's portfolio. To buy any Photographs simply click on the image to go to a more detailed page about this work of art.

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Luise Andersen: 'wings on evening flight ', 2015 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:   aEUR|needed to do quick trip . . take care of some businessaEUR| after yesterday's last night' s rains,  skies full with dramatic cloud formations. . just when i aimed camera, this bird flew by. . had not thought that i' d catch it. . hmm. . apparently, i did. .smiling. .i like it. . ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
18 x 16 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'III Rain clouds BrightOf and SunThunderstorm ', 2014 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:  May 23,2014- - aEUR|on my way to longtime dear friends Pauline and her husband Jack W. eyes towards the sky. . admired the beauty and drama in Cloud Formations. . with the brilliance of SunaEUR|. just had to take the memory of image with me. . while walking, reached for iPhone. . ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
18 x 15 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Rain clouds BrightOf and SunThunderstorm ', 2014 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:        May 23,2014- - aEUR|on my way to longtime dear  friends Pauline and her husband Jack W. eyes towards the sky. . admired the beauty and drama in Cloud Formations. . with the brilliance of SunaEUR|. just had to take the memory of image with me. . while walking, reached for iPhone. . ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
18 x 15 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Water Scape  I MAGIC IN THE POOL', 2013 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:   . . october 8,2013- -  wind has blown strongly for several days. . carried finest dust/ dirt. . other debris . . settled on the pool surface. . and in layers beneath. . with sunlight breaking through surface to bottom of the pool. . tree reflections. . and incredible textures. . . conjured light and shadow play. . displayed intriguing visions. . ...
Clouds - Other Photography
36 x 30 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Water Scape  II MAGIC IN THE POOL', 2013 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:    . . october 8,2013- -  wind has blown strongly for several days. . carried finest dust/ dirt. . other debris . . settled on the pool surface. . and in layers beneath. . with sunlight breaking through surface to bottom of the pool. . tree reflections. . and incredible textures. . . conjured light and shadow play. . displayed intriguing visions. . ...
Clouds - Other Photography
36 x 30 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Water Scape  III MAGIC IN THE POOL', 2013 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:    . . october 8,2013- -  wind has blown strongly for several days. . carried finest dust/ dirt. . other debris . . settled on the pool surface. . and in layers beneath. . with sunlight breaking through surface to bottom of the pool. . tree reflections. . and incredible textures. . . conjured light and shadow play. . displayed intriguing visions. . ...
Clouds - Other Photography
36 x 30 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'CLOUD GAZING OctoberSevenTwoOthrtn', 2013 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:  Windy. . bluest of skies and amazing. . to me magical. . Cloud formations. . . . . . . .* * Size for Uploading purpose only       for copies. . depends on the Dpi . . will show in left, if available. ...
Clouds - Other Photography
30 x 36 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'CLOUD GAZING II OctoberSevenTwoOthrtn', 2013 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:   Windy. . bluest of skies and amazing. . to me magical. . Cloud formations. . . . . . . .* * Size for Uploading purpose only       for copies. . depends on the Dpi . . will show in left, if available.  ...
Clouds - Other Photography
36 x 30 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'CLOUD GAZING III OctoberSevenTwoOthrtn', 2013 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:    Windy. . bluest of skies and amazing. . to me magical. . Cloud formations. . . . . . . .* * Size for Uploading purpose only       for copies. . depends on the Dpi . . will show in left, if available.   ...
Clouds - Other Photography
36 x 30 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Cloud Gazing AUGUST Thirty TwOTrtn', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:  UNEDITED ORIGINALS. . . . . Close to Sunset. . . windy a bit. . and waiting for rain. . skies are 'crowded' with images . . wonderful hues. . in greys, blues, yellows . . later on in orange pinks and reds too. . was hypnotized. . entranced. . stayed with' world' of cloud formations . . eyes. . camera pointed upwards for an hr. and ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
26 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Cloud gazing AUGTWTYONE', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:  . . AUG. 21,2013- - . . . Close to Sunset. .  a mass of in late afternoon white and grey cloud formations transformed into a vivid palette of hues. . . with intense darks. . gold yellows, orange and reds. . and wonderful blue tones. . did not last more than half an hour. . . this magic' display& # ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
12 x 18 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Cloud gazing I August Four TwOThrtn', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:  . . . so much. . to 'see' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .* * size for uploading purpose onlyPlease enlarge on Your computer.    copies at present not available. ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
30 x 27 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Cloud gazing II August Four TwOThrtn', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:   . . . so much. . to 'see' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .* * size for uploading purpose onlyPlease enlarge on Your computer.    copies at present not available.  ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
30 x 27 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Cloud gazing III August Four TwOThrtn', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:    . . . so much. . to 'see' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .* * size for uploading purpose onlyPlease enlarge on Your computer.    copies at present not available.   ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
30 x 27 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'cloud gazing VI  JUNE TWTSVN', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:     Please view with a touch of distance from monitor/ screen. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _add: June 29,2013- - . . changed colors of blue and whites to these hues. . intent. . to bring forwards images  within cloud formations, my eyes are drawn to . . . i eliminated with i- photo touch up brush smaller ones . . so ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
33 x 36 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'cloud gazing V JUNE TWTSVN', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:    Please view with a touch of distance from monitor/ screen. .June 30,2013- - . . when i pursue in various directions. . every time. . i realize the power of perception. . mood influencing. . in sligtest variance of colors. . . on 'scale' to strongest. . and Always . . . the light. . . it allows / lets me' see' . . . the ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
33 x 36 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'cloud gazing IV JUNE TWTSVN', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:   June 28,2013- - here i changed the blues into grey tones. . from light. . to darks. . to bring the largest. . most expressive faces . . figures. . forward, i eliminated all the smallest ones. . with i- photo retouch brush. . when i do that. . is like drawing. . or painting. . in this case. . as ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
33 x 36 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'cloud gazing III JUNE TWTSVN', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:  . . . the beauty. . . constant change in forms/ figures/ faces/ creatures. . . . movement. . colors. . . . . intrigue. . discoveries. . imagination/ fantasy. .the light. . .* size for uploading purpose only. . copies at present not available. ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
36 x 33 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'cloud gazing I  JUNE I ', 2013 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:  * * size for uploading purpose only* * copies at present not available. ...
Clouds - Other Photography
21 x 19 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'cloud gazing II  JUNE I ', 2013 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:   June 1,2013- -* * size for uploading purpose only* * copies at present not available.  ...
Clouds - Other Photography
19 x 21 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'cloud gazing IA JUNE I', 2013 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:    June 1,2013- -* * size for uploading purpose only* * copies at present not available.   ...
Clouds - Other Photography
21 x 19 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'May Ten Fountain Series I', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:    May 10,2013- - Fountain series # i                         taken late afternoon                         at Civic Ctr. Drive, Fontana, California* * size for uploading purpose only* copies at present not available.   ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'May Ten Fountain Series II', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:     May 10,2013- - Fountain series # i                         taken late afternoon                         at Civic Ctr. Drive, Fontana, Californiathis photograph is taken from the fountain located near tall trees.* * size for uploading purpose only* copies at present not available.    ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Cloud Gazing I MAYNINETWOOTHRTN', 2013 Color Photograph, Clouds. Artist Description:   Wish for You. .  Light of Spirit. . . . . Peace.. . . Love. .* * size for uploading purpose only* copies at present not available.  ...
Clouds - Color Photograph
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'from file Eyes Of Mignon MIGCLDS I', 2013 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description: March 8, 2013- - . received a present. . a new little Sony camera. . 14 megapixels. . instead of the 5 i have with my old, beautiful, but water damaged Kodak. . So. . I am getting acquainted with the little one. . this. . and following photos, are with that one. . even have panoramic view ...
Clouds - Other Photography
23 x 18 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Inspires  Me Images In Coud Formations BLCKWHTE IA', 2012 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:          OCT 14,2012- - - - - - - - - - - - -  . . one of a series. .  + size for uploading purpose only * size mentioned for uploading purpose only.        size for uploading purpose only*    ...
Clouds - Other Photography
22 x 31 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Inspires Me Images In Cloud Formations II', 2012 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:          OCT 15,2012- - - - - - - - - - - - -  . . one of a series. .  + size for uploading purpose only * size mentioned for uploading purpose only.        size for uploading purpose only*    ...
Clouds - Other Photography
22 x 31 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Inspires Me Images In Cloud Formations I', 2012 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:        OCT 11,2012- - - - - - - - - - - - -  . . one of a series. .  + size for uploading purpose only * size mentioned for uploading purpose only.        size for uploading purpose only*  ...
Clouds - Other Photography
22 x 31 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Other Worlds In Cloud Formations  BLCKIV', 2012 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:      OCT 11,2012- - - - - - - - - - - - -  . . one of a series. .  + size for uploading purpose only * size mentioned for uploading purpose only.        ...
Clouds - Other Photography
22 x 31 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Other Worlds In Cloud Formations BLCKWHTEV', 2012 Other Photography, Clouds. Artist Description:       OCT 11,2012- - - - - - - - - - - - -  . . one of a series. .  + size for uploading purpose only * size mentioned for uploading purpose only.        size for uploading purpose only* ...
Clouds - Other Photography
22 x 31 inches ( x )

Last Updated: Thu 06 Feb 2025 07:12:01 AM EST