People Photographs   (Page 1 of 4)

Browse 115 People Photographs artworks for sale. Contemporary artists: Luise Andersen, Sangeetha Bansal offering Photographs artworks. Links to more artworks by these contemporary artists and 4 pages for Photography% and further artists at the bottom of this page. To view a work by any of these contemporary artists simply click on the image or browse the artist's portfolio. To buy any Photographs simply click on the image to go to a more detailed page about this work of art.

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Luise Andersen: 'The Artist July 21 2016 Enter The Year Of 73 Now ', 2016 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:  2016 JULY 21 - . . a good day. . realize my long journey. . how farAC/a,!A| the seas. . continents. . their people. . to see. . feel. . the learningAC/a,!A| the love for. .I am grateful. . creative spirit still expresses. . amazes me. .  ...
People - Color Photograph
6 x 9 inches ( x )
Sangeetha Bansal: 'Ripple enigma', 2015 Digital Photograph, People. Artist Description:  Digital photograph of a woman with enigmatic mysterious eyes.              ...
People - Digital Photograph
12 x 16 inches ( x )
Sangeetha Bansal: 'Too pretty to walk', 2015 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:  Photograph of feet with jewellery on it ...
People - Color Photograph
12 x 16 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'DREAMS Of  I', 2015 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:  . . 2015, Sept. 15 - - taken series according to feel. . in color. .  converted to black and whiteaEUR| * for uploading purpose only* * copies. . unless qualify/ mentioned in POD , not available. ...
People - Color Photograph
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'play with latest present I', 2015 Black and White Photograph, People. Artist Description:  ' bit exhausted. . shower did not help as expected/ hoped. . smiling. . forget' tired eyes' . . see still enough,  to' play  . . bought a protective cover, made by a creative person on Etsy. com . . i like skulls. . and this one is in thin metal bronze tone, and has ...
People - Black and White Photograph
13 x 12 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Luise Mignon c  NOVEMBER 27 2014', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:  Nov 27 , 2014- Thanksgiving day. . wait for my oldest and his partner to arrive from Arizona. . 6 hrs. ride on their Harleys : ) what a great day!size for uploading purpose only ...
People - Color Photograph
11 x 13 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'When the Oldest comes in rolling thunder HARLEY I', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:   Nov 27 , 2014- Thanksgiving day. my oldest and his partner to arrive from Arizona. . 6 hrs. ride on their Harleys : ) what a great day! with  love, rolling 'thunder' and beautiful , exciting atmosphere. .size for uploading purpose only  ...
People - Color Photograph
11 x 13 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'II When the Oldest comes in rolling thunder HARLEY I', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:   November 27,2014- . . they both came rolling in. . after 6 hrs. drive from Arizona. . smiling. . so enjoy seeing my oldest. . plus this time, with his friend an partner,' John.' . They looked' hot' on these beautiful Harleys. . gorgeous colors. . air brushing designs. . their leather outfits ...
People - Color Photograph
11 x 13 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: ' visages d esprit The Experience I', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:   . . to get away. . feel free to flightaEUR| I just have to take the camera. . lens focuses on me. . and I on lens. . and a 'connect' happens. . clicked for 2 hrs. . . took several directions in feel. . and stress disappeared. .* size for uploading purpose only ...
People - Color Photograph
17 x 15 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Luise Mignon c  V Last Light Of Summer  September 15 2014', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:  original photographs. . on Sept 18, 2014- First walk after 2 week severe influenza experience. . somewhat weak. . but feel frees to go inward. . exposed to Nature's beautiful lightaEUR| and slight breeze of Summer. .* * size approx. and for uploading purpose only. ...
People - Color Photograph
13 x 15 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Luise Mignon c  II  September 15 2014', 2014 Color Photograph, People.
People - Color Photograph
13 x 15 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Mignon c  September 15 2014', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:   Sept. 15,2014. . put my Coco Red on lips. . a touch of dark brown liner , the light behind me. . or in face. . hmmm and ready for a new profile pic. . untouched imagesaEUR|Roof falls on head. . kind of thing. . so. . as most of the time. . get to of '...
People - Color Photograph
24 x 18 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Luise Mignon  September 2 2014', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:  * * size for uploading purpose only  Sept. 2, 2014- - on way to post office. . walking by a row of old trees. . all dry and brittle from the droughtaEUR| nice breeze and light just right, next to the trees, , and the feel too. .+ . . take a lot of selflessaEUR|. keep the ...
People - Color Photograph
13 x 15 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'MignonExtreme c  AUGUST 29 2014', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:  August 29, 2014- - . . working on series of video clips. . intimate. . personal expression of thoughts. . feelings. . emotional mind journeys. . these photos I took , relate to the video clips. . one uploaded today on Fb wall. . Luise H Andersen/ Facebookdid several others. . will decide if I publish those, later on.* * ...
People - Color Photograph
20 x 18 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'CloseInOn MIGNON c X', 2014 Color Photograph, People.
People - Color Photograph
18 x 20 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'CloseInOn MIGNON c IX', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:  Aug. 23,2014 - - taken today continuance of series. . thought about 'it' . . maybe I should just for the interest in expressions. . of moods. . feelings. . use my own images. . for drawings etc. . not necessarily likeness. . but the' feel' of. . learn so much from what camera hooks onto . . the split blink ...
People - Color Photograph
18 x 20 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'August 18 2014 FEELINGS IN PASTELS II', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:   PICTURE Of Art Work Taken In Room Neutral Light - - Used Grumbacher, Rembrandt and Weber Costello pastels on prepared canvas sheet- - worked more on this pastel art piece. . specially with this beautiful red and light blueaEUR| Did  use my soft black pastel for selected areas. . etc. will see. . where ...
People - Color Photograph
20 x 16 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'CloseInOn MIGNON c VIII BlackAndWhite I', 2014 Black and White Photograph, People. Artist Description:    August 2014- - * size for uploading purpose only.  ...
People - Black and White Photograph
13 x 15 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'CloseInOn MIGNON c  VII ', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:   August 2014- -  . . from video I have now a whole series of expressions. . spit moments. . not even seconds of expressions. . like blink of eyeaEUR|. truly so. . when we look each other in the face. . which expression are we going to observe. . 'catch' . . which makes us remember of the' other' aEUR|aEUR|aEUR|aEUR|aEUR|aEUR|aEUR|aEUR|aEUR| ...
People - Color Photograph
13 x 15 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'CloseInOn MIGNON c  VI ', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:  August 8, 2014-   Luise H Andersen aEUR| 'Mignon' c) .* * size for uploading purpose only  ...
People - Color Photograph
21 x 19 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'CloseInOn MIGNON c  V from Video of August 1 2014', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:    .* * size for uploading purpose only ...
People - Color Photograph
21 x 19 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'laselectart IV July 23 2014', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:   . . a whole series today. . and could have taken hundreds of pictures more. . as if it is of another person, whose face is familiar. . but with each second a new expression. . and that . . in Art. .  would be a never ending discovery. . counting in, the art of photographyaEUR| and if ...
People - Color Photograph
17 x 19 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'laselectart II', 2014 Other Photography, People. Artist Description:      . . and another day it is. . as is another nightaEUR| * will spend the afternoon with a dear longtime friend. . his wife and companion for over 62 years , my soul sister aEUR|  needs to do some out of house chores. . so. . I am the one, who does the . . 'talking' aEUR|while he ...
People - Other Photography
21 x 19 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'July 4 2014 series', 2014 Color Photograph, People.
People - Color Photograph
16 x 12 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'July 4 2014 series No 22 in catalogue', 2014 Color Photograph, People.
People - Color Photograph
16 x 12 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Luise Mignon  June 15 2014', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:  June 15,2014- -  second time within 2 years. . is it that long already? . . since I own this laptop. . I experiment immediate / instant pix by computer. . chose the Photo Booth app. . as once before. . couple of years ago. . think. . understand better the light source in my OneInchRoom. . in flow ...
People - Color Photograph
13 x 12 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'Luise Mignon IV June 15 2014', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:    June 15,2014- -  second time within 2 years. . is it that long already? . . since I own this laptop. . I experiment immediate / instant pix by computer. . chose the Photo Booth app. . as once before. . couple of years ago. . think. . understand better the light source in my OneInchRoom. . in flow ...
People - Color Photograph
13 x 12 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'luise Mignon  June 12 2014', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:  share again. . for my friends, who requested the latest. . well. . this one and the pix in personal album from June 15th and after, are the latest. . wish a peaceful, joyful week, my dear friends. . and thank You. Luise. .' Mignon' c) .          June 12, 2014- -   every year, shortly ...
People - Color Photograph
8 x 11 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'work on profile pix III', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:   April 26, 2014- -  received notice from twitter in regard to new setup of profile page etc. . looks quite attractive and interesting. . so I went for it. . can upload my works there too. . and the Share. . of which I do a lot. . and am devoted to. . are mostly of ...
People - Color Photograph
11 x 10 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'moment inside expresses II in series', 2014 Color Photograph, People. Artist Description:    March 27,2014- - when soul smiles. . reflects in face. . in this capture. . reflects mineaEUR|when I capture. .' light' is fine. . . and already know. . mind will remember. . creative spirit will express feel. . once' want' arises. . till then . . feel inspires. . spreads' wings'* size for ...
People - Color Photograph
17 x 13 inches ( x )
1 2 3

Last Updated: Thu 06 Feb 2025 07:12:01 AM EST