I was born in 1950 in the North East of Italy from a polish mother and a sicilian father.
I toured the world until I was 35, then I returned to Italy and picked up again my old passion painting and sculpture.
As for myself, I can only say thoughts and paintings, paintings and thoughts. Everything maybe useless, however everything is life.
�The human being leaves its signs, graffiti, indian dreams and imagination.
Now I only have left a few more possibilities to express the colors which are not.
Only the sign, scratched, angry or brushed is the witness.
The sign has passed from there and there it has lived.�
Emilio Merlina
Some hear if a door opens
Others hear a latch which opens or closes
Others more they hear the Angel when he turns over a page of the Great Book
From the novel Missa Sine Nomine
By Ernst Wiechert
I have words which relegate my hunger
And the hunger which owns my body but which do not confine them
I have words which are both my confined hunger and body
By the Italian poetess Paola Lovisolo
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