Nussinov’s Statement Oct 2012
Drifting, being transient, in between various states of body/mind, like when we travel physically and with our imagination, as in a ‘waking dream’.
My work represents a world of ambiguity and illusion, of recognized and abstracted scenes embedded as a tapestry of matter, illustrating different relationships. Somewhere in the process of creating artworks these worlds are mixed in an harmonious and conflicting manner, representing the contradiction and collision between languages and landscapes. At all times the viewer is challenged to unfold the mystery, to explore and discover.
The works of art are created not through a planned process but rather the starting point is an impulse, a visual or musical trigger.
These signals lure the me into the unknown territories where my intuition and inner vision leads to spontaneous discoveries.
As a teenager my box camera was an excuse to drift away from trouble, to capture in a photo something, that was at the same time ambiguous and exciting.
As a cinematographer/ director of documentaries from1976 to1980 I was acknowledged as an acute observer of people and an highly experimental filmmaker.
I have been working in various fields of the arts, consistently for the last thirty years. My works encompass sculptures made of found objects; sophisticated photographic collages ; landscape watercolours ; narrative & fantasy paintings, and music scores created and recorded by myself. Always learning from experience, my visual language has some rawness and ambiguity, a hybrid of cultural differences, a product of the interchange between the insider and the outsider.
For the last four years I has been awarded the ‘sculpture prize in found objects’ from the Sculptors society, acknowledging for my innovative whimsical assemblages, mainly made from recycled and found objects.
Nussinov’s Statement Oct 2010
Creativity in any art form is a valuable commodity it touches on all aspects of life and should be nurtured from a young age. The creative voice needs to be heard, and as artists I believe we have the responsibility to show our works to the public, to sometimes force a communication that otherwise wouldn’t occur.
My creative expression balances between the need to do something that enables my playful self to overcome my more insecure human moments, and to simply allow a creative instinct to be developed and explored into ‘works’. Being an artist is all about nurturing, taking care of the ‘work’ which is never known wholly from the start, but evolves as one inputs and responds to every action and reaction. The artist is responsible for those who play a part in his or her creation.
My studio is vital in providing a conducive environment where I can feel totally at ‘home’ to work emotionally and intellectually.
I work in multimedia and within my visual palette I am most interested in, painting detailed imaginary landscapes; constructing kinetic sculpture with found/given/leftover objects; taking photographs- for documentation of people, and places and phenomena; and using computer tools in the creation of digital compositions of transcended realities.
I also am interested in audio visual expressions incorporating recordings of sounds; sessions of improvisational dialogue which explore my languages of Hebrew, English and Hybrid sounds, used with less of a meaning but more as a direct psycho emotional outlet, that reflects the state of the self. In order to further build up a ‘sound’ vocabulary for the creation of my ‘sound paintings’ or audio works I also record, the sound of my tools ‘at work’, in variable speeds, intensities and contact/ friction with different materials, rasp on wood, wood on floor, and rotating tools scratching glass.
Making sense out of this chaotic juxtaposition, the artist’s predicament, sorting out, rearranging, rebuilding new structures, looking for associating between the elements, sketching perspectives marking the landscapes, to reveal or obstructing objects and figures by establishing relationships between figures and object in the landscapes, as a impressionistic / expressionistic scenario, or as a piece that communicates more through the emotions.
As an Artist, I feel like an explorer who enters new terrains, seeking clues between the absent and the present. As in a fuzzy oblivion, something often emerges, perceived in shades of colour … something that looks like… sounds like… makes me feel like … I imagine, is becoming.
Having accumulated more the thirty years of experiences in various artistic endeavours I feel privileged to be able to do what I do best, communicating through my art. I know how hard it is to promote oneself, getting as many people through the door to see and buy artworks. Selling more or selling less, we and our artworks are here to stay…
Micha Nussinov's Statement 1995
As a traveller whose ancestors had to migrate from their homelands seeking a refuge in Israel - a place not quite as safe for their children as they'd hoped - I feel like a wanderer in search of a resting place.
The search is a motive constantly expressed in my painting. Not just the process whereby the artist seeks clues that will eventually add up to an image he or she is happy with, but as a subject itself. The characters in my paintings are looking for something,and the people who view the pictures are looking for clues.
My mother was still at school in Germany when she had to join her parents who were concerned by the rise of the Nazis. In 1936 they landed in Israel, where they had to work as labourers in the fields. In a Ukrainian town near the Polish border, my father's mother was the driving force behind the family's welfare, not only raising six children but also selling leather in... Read More
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