Sculpture For Sale - Price Range: $100000 - $500000
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Discover 25 original sculpture artworks for sale between $100000 - $500000. Contemporary emerging artists: Ronald Smith, Ted Schaal, Andrew Wielawski, Mihail Simeonov, Tosic Aleksandar are exhibiting their affordable original art. You can buy artwork online and browse 1 pages for more originals at the end of this page. To view detailed information for any of these artworks click the image or browse the artist's portfolio website.
Dieter Picchio-Specht -
Ted Schaal - Lately I have been exploring the use of two enduring materials, bronze and stainless steel. I enjoy the juxtaposition of the primitive texture in the bronze with the mirror polished modern look of the stainless. Balance and symmetry dominate simple geometric forms. These sculptures are made to last through the ages with the highest level of craftsmanship and quality metals. Most of my latest work can be scaled up for public or corporate settings and commission inquiries are welcome. With over 20 years of sculpture experience anything is possible from desk top size to monumental fountains and sculpture. ...
Andrew Wielawski - Art must communicate ideas and have them received the way the artist intends, reaching as many viewers as possible to provoke an emotional response. If you go for those who are in the know about artistic periods, about current trends, and about a symbolic language that requires training to understand, then the artist will miss a huge audience. The artist then becomes a slave to styles created by others. If on the other hand, you work towards reaching multiple levels of viewers, then your task becomes more difficult, and at the same time, more fulfilling. An artist who creates a language will not fit into any already existing niche, and will alienate those looking for something they already know about, like gallerists, collectors and museums. Creativity, however, is like will find its way around such obstructions, and bring the artist satisfaction and a clientele that appreciates what they create without regard for what's in fashion. Most of all, this way of producing reflects the rarity of truth in a world mostly dedicated to superficial values. ...
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