Photograph of Artist ELAINE LISLE
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania - United States

Original Artworks (1)

Elaine Lisle; Morning Stroll Cordes, 2011, Original Painting Oil, 9 x 12 inches. Artwork description: 241    Cordes, France, village street scene, oil  ...
Elaine Lisle
Original Oil Painting, 2011
9 x 12 inches (22.9 x 30.5 cm)
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Artist Statement

A friend recently described my paintings as "the exhuberant expression of people engaged in life." Even when I paint a landscape without figures, I prefer to paint places that include bridges, farmhouses, bicycles, even roadsigns, all evidence of human activity.

I complete most of my paintings in the studio from reference sketches and photographs. I work only in oil, because I love the texture, and it is very forgiving if I make a drawing error. If the location allows, I will often complete a small en plein air study on site.

I prefer bright warm colors, the long shadows of late afternoon, and some challenge in the composition. I want to make a composition which is complex, so the viewer has much to contemplate. At the same time I often remove elements in the actual landscape if they don't work well with the composition. I might leave the trash out, but put in the newspaper boxes, because I like the bright colors and shapes. My paintings are thoughtful pictures of people engaged in living in a bright, colorful, changing world.

Elaine Lisle
