Artists Describing Their Art:
Joanna Pettit-Almasude - My art work centers on my concern for humans, animals and our planet. I tend to focus on expressive portrayals of the human condition. In many of my previous works, I was especially motivated to describe the challenging position of marginalized peoples in the world. I am currently concentrating on conservation and environmental issues as well as the importance of moving toward eating a whole non-processed plant based diet. I also plan to work on artwork that discusses how we humans need to care for all animals including the human animal and work to sustain our earth that we all depend on. All of these issues tend to be interrelated and merge into one holistic approach to life, not only through mind, body spirit but also through our relationships with and responsibility to the world around us....
Geo Kat - ART as THERAPY... __________________Why not, art as therapy ...ok, which is my inspiration.... hmm, ok, yes, all the old masters and ...nature. All the Other human been I can say... Personas very different in space and time, like Praxiteles or Botticelli or Candinsky. .......... Of course we, humans, we are nature, part of nature, part of natures mystery...... May be my well effort as an artist is to explore this mysterious and fantastic world, and create an art that is not exist yet, as an invention...............or you can say exists, but is not expressed into existence yet. And this art exists as a living person full of dreams of colours of happiness, good will and healing matter. ________________ I suppose also that my inspiration is whatever still lives underneath this ancient old city, Athens....................... What are you thinking ...
Avril Ward - ArtistaEURtms statement. Creating has become an intricately woven part of my life. I must express nature, as it is my window to God. I must delight in the human body, a marvel that never ceases to amaze. I must express love and joy-this keeps them tangible in my life. I must trust my instincts and skills allowing them to lead me in the right direction. Most importantly: if my art can move a person to pause, think, smile, ponder, cry, laugh, be encouraged or give them hope, then I have served my purpose in life.aEUR To view a video about, my inspiration and work methods in sculpture please copy and paste the link to your browser.
Austen Pinkerton - Austen Pinkerton If I turn my mind to it very quickly I can come up with several ideas for works AC/a,!A|paintings, drawings, or sculptures. Sometimes ideas come to me when I least expect it, or when my mind is on other things. Ideas can be related to my current experiences, or to my feelings about things that are happening to me in my life at that particular time. Alternatively they can be related to a current interest, or something that occupies my attention at that moment, and my ideas and feelings about which Id like to share with others. A lot of my work is autobiographicalAC/a,!A|either directly or indirectly, consciously or subconsciously. It is frequently very personal, and expresses events or circumstances or experiences in my life. I usually work in either Acrylic on Canvas, Crayon or Pastel, or both together, with Gouache, on card, Drawing in pencil, or Ink, or both, or with creating SculptureAC/a,!A|for which I use fired artists clay. Sculpture follows a completely different set of rules and values from two-dimensional art, obviously, I think of it as Drawing in three dimensions and I take this into account when creating mine. In all my...
Silvia Poloto - Artist statement on PROCESS: Private Puzzles 2010 - 2011 I am drawn to the idea of abstraction, where meaning is not absolute but suggestive. Throughout my career I have worked in many different media: drawing, printmaking, painting, photography and sculpture to name a few. My photographic works, at the core, are aEURoeequivalentsaEUR of reality. That is to say, I create scenes or objects to be photographed, rather than illustrate existential situations. The process is an internal one inspired by personal experiences and imagination. My latest body of work combines processes I have used in the past, expressing the visual vocabulary I have already learned in new contexts. I begin by building plexiglass boxes, filling some of them with resin and others with wax. I then make drawings, which I print on transparent film and build up in layers on top of each box. I repeat this process until I am satisfied with the result and, then, I photograph it. Initially, I wanted to print very large-format photographs on watercolor paper. However, the high cost of printing such large pieces was prohibitive. A fellow photographer, and friend, offered the use of his own printer, but it was smaller than what I...
Silvia Poloto -
Raphael Perez - Article about Raphael Perez naive art paintings Raphael Perez is an Israeli artist known for his naive style paintings of Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem cities. His work captures the essence of these cities and their urban landscapes, highlighting their iconic buildings and sites. PerezAC/a,!a,,C/s paintings create an idealized atmosphere in which reality is beautified and presented in a dreamy, fantastic manner. PerezAC/a,!a,,C/s work is characterized by its vibrant colors and cheerful depiction of life in these cities. The streets in his paintings are full of people and loving couples hugging and kissing, while the boulevards are lined with well-kept trees and bushes. PerezAC/a,!a,,C/s work presents a vision of IsraelAC/a,!a,,C/s future as a promising startup nation, with beautiful, clean, and naive cityscapes featuring towering skyscrapers reaching towards the sky. Through his art, Perez portrays Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem as modern and advanced cities. His paintings are a celebration of these citiesAC/a,!a,,C/ unique characters and their places as cultural hubs in Israel. PerezAC/a,!a,,C/s work is a testament to the beauty and vitality of these cities and their people. In conclusion, Raphael Perez is an Israeli artist whose naive style paintings of Tel Aviv, Haifa, ...
Bob Dornberg - Art ELEMENTS include; relationships of objects, shapes, lines, spaces, colors, rhythm and balance. ELEMENTS are seen when observing any work. An artist should learn while observing, exploring and inventing. While subject matter is important, it should remain subservient to these ELEMENTS. MY WEBSITES: