Artists Describing Their Art:
Ted Schaal - Lately I have been exploring the use of two enduring materials, bronze and stainless steel. I enjoy the juxtaposition of the primitive texture in the bronze with the mirror polished modern look of the stainless. Balance and symmetry dominate simple geometric forms. These sculptures are made to last through the ages with the highest level of craftsmanship and quality metals. Most of my latest work can be scaled up for public or corporate settings and commission inquiries are welcome. With over 20 years of sculpture experience anything is possible from desk top size to monumental fountains and sculpture. ...
James Johnson - The basis of my work is the exploration of universal patterns of being common to everyone such as shadow, hero, or trickster. My interest in patterns of being is a fascination that we all share common behaviors or emotions that can be understood singularly. Each pattern of being may be expressed as a figurative sculpture of hand cast aluminum alloy at half-life scale. Patterns of being may be referenced with Jungian archetypes. My hope is to make patterns of being more visible and tangible. Deject Selected as Best in show at the 2021 Piccolo Spoleto Art Exhibition ...
Eric Jacobson - My work is influenced by a variety of sources from mandalas to contructivism "drawing in space" and nature: artists like David Smith, Mark Di Suvero, Miro, Picasso, etc. My current work incorporates brass tubing with mobiles and water. Some of these create sound as well. I have also created steel "frames", often octagonal that enclose a series of elements floating within this environment. I have been exploring the use of depth(perspective), color and balance in my work. I am very interested in the "layers" that make up each person's life history and mind, and therefore create layers in my sculpture to symbolize this. I often see things in the world as having an" inner and an outer", sometimes revealed to the world at large and sometimes hidden. This includes the human mind. People often keep parts of themselves hidden or protected even sometimes from themselves. Sometimes thes things are revealed in artwork. My sculptures also involve the relationship of the natural and man-made environments and the balance or imbalance between them....
Emilio Merlina - I was born in 1950 in the North East of Italy from a polish mother and a sicilian father. I toured the world until I was 35, then I returned to Italy and picked up again my old passion painting and sculpture. As for myself, I can only say thoughts and paintings, paintings and thoughts. Everything maybe useless, however everything is life. A-A?A1/2The human being leaves its signs, graffiti, indian dreams and imagination. Now I only have left a few more possibilities to express the colors which are not. Only the sign, scratched, angry or brushed is the witness. The sign has passed from there and there it has lived.A-A?A1/2 Emilio Merlina Some hear if a door opens Others hear a latch which opens or closes Others more they hear the Angel when he turns over a page of the Great Book From the novel Missa Sine Nomine By Ernst Wiechert I have words which relegate my hunger And the hunger which owns my body but which do not confine them I have words which are both my confined hunger and body By the Italian poetess Paola Lovisolo ...
Youri Messen-Jaschin - Award 1963 1st Prize of contemporary engraving Center of Engraving Geneva MusAfA(c)e dAC/a,!a,,C/art et dAC/a,!a,,C/Histoire Geneva 1966 Grant of the Swedish state for study at the University of Gothenburg research in the textil in Op art 1969 USA Gould corporation 1st prize for the realization of a Op art sculpture 1970 2 nd prize for a textile work - electro-acoustic, University of Gothenburg 1971 1 st prize for a textile work - electro-acoustic, RAfAPhsska Museum Gothenburg 1985 Italiy Centro Studi e Ricerche delle Nazioni World Culture Award Statue of Victory 1985 1985 Centro Studi e Ricerche lAC/a,!a,,C/Accademia dAC/a,!a,,C/Europa Diploma of Appointment of Academician of Europe for its cultural and professional activity 1986 Diploma European SchowmenAC/a,!a,,C/s Union For his sincere efforts on behalf of the European ShowmenAC/a,!a,,C/s Union we hereby extend our special appreciation to. Bruxelles IV73 1987 Diploma of nomination Golden Elephant for the merits that he acquired to the cause of the circus Schweizer National Circus GebrAfA1/4der Knie Rapperswil 1998 Installation Award Certificate of Merit Research in Op art Angel Orensanz Foundation, Center for the arts, New York 2000 Aim for Arts, International juried exhibition, celebrating artistic achievement Federation of ...
Micha Nussinov - NussinovaEURtms Statement Oct 2012 Drifting, being transient, in between various states of body/mind, like when we travel physically and with our imagination, as in a aEUR~waking dreamaEURtm. My work represents a world of ambiguity and illusion, of recognized and abstracted scenes embedded as a tapestry of matter, illustrating different relationships. Somewhere in the process of creating artworks these worlds are mixed in an harmonious and conflicting manner, representing the contradiction and collision between languages and landscapes. At all times the viewer is challenged to unfold the mystery, to explore and discover. The works of art are created not through a planned process but rather the starting point is an impulse, a visual or musical trigger. These signals lure the me into the unknown territories where my intuition and inner vision leads to spontaneous discoveries. As a teenager my box camera was an excuse to drift away from trouble, to capture in a photo something, that was at the same time ambiguous and exciting. As a cinematographer/ director of documentaries from1976 to1980 I was acknowledged as an acute observer of people and an highly experimental filmmaker. I have been working in various fields of the arts, consistently for the ...