Artists Describing Their Art:
C. A. Hoffman - For me, my artwork is very personal. It reflects a lot about how I am feeling at any given time and place. I feel that art has to be on this personal level to completely capture how the artist is feeling daily, or trying to convey a certain thought or emotion at that particular moment. We all, at one time or another try to express our thoughts or ideas, whether it is to others or just to ourselves, by words, actions, ideas or pictures. If we are sucessful in this attempt, I think it shows through in our everyday work or art. I believe that one is either born to create art naturally or by learning. For me, I feel that I was born with this wonderful gift, and I try to improve upon it every day. In my photos and art, I hope to show how everyday objects and nature can capture our imaginations and feelings. Sometimes I work with an image to improve it, inhance it, or just to fuel the imagination. I truly hope this shows in all of my art. ...
Wayne Quilliam - Adjunct Professor Wayne Quilliam is a professional Australian Aboriginal Photographic artist/film maker/cultural advisor working on the international stage. With more than 20 years experience working in all areas of photography including social documentary, sport, tourism, fashion,weddings, movies, event documentation and exhibitions, Wayne is recognised as a leading contemporary in his field. His work is a fusion of traditional spirituality and contemporary photographic processes,each image represents an interpretation of culture in the modern world. His dream is to work with all races of the world and conduct exhibitions in every country....
Tracy Brown - The photographer, Tracy Brown, has a wide range of photographic subject matter in her portfolio.A,A Life has many paths which she has explored.A,A She started her passion in photography while doing medical and humanitarian work many years ago. The joy of capturing the people and places visited by the few, inspired the concept of sharing these things with the world. She plans to continue her medical and humanitarian work by financing projects through her photography endeavors. She looks forward to you joining her on the new Poetry In Pictures website coming online the beginning of 2020. TracyA,A is excited to share the stories of the people and places which have blessed her life, to be featured on the website.A,A The birth of this dream would not have been possible without the whole team at Poetry In Pictures. From everyone at Poetry In Pictures, thank you for sharing with us lifes journey in pictures. ...
Azhar Shemdin - I am interested in experimenting with liquid acrylic, using resist material which is anything that is placed on the surface of the painting that impedes the flow of liquid paint. When the resist is lifted, an unexpected outcome is revealed. Sometimes the outcome is not what I wanted, and I cover the surface with paint and go for a second, third or even a fourth try, until I am completely satisfied with the outcome. The end result is a wonderous world that comes from somewhere and is revealed on a canvas surface!...
Denise Dalzell - Painting. Illustration. Expressionism. Pop Art. Modern. Realism and, occasionally, a bit of Abstraction. My current work centers on my consideration of how we respond to each other, the stories that develop between us and around us, and how our collective stories reflect on and influence us individually. How our stories bounce off each other and combine to create new stories. My paintings are illustrations of the scenes that I encounter during my travels abroad and in daily life so, some scenes are more sweeping than others. How do we, as people of differing backgrounds, cultures, and experiences interact with each other Are we different people in a crowd than when alone How do we fit in or stand out where we find ourselves at any given moment, in any given story Stories are everywhere, and thereAC/a,!a,,C/s no predicting what theyAC/a,!a,,C/ll reveal. Body language, movement, color, contrast combine to illustrate my scenes of interaction between people and within environments. The excitement of being a part of something as unifying as a protest, the sense of adventure that comes from starting out with no particular destination, intimate moments with those we love and those we discover in the big events...
David Bechtol - Photography is an integral part of my life. Each image captured attempts to take the viewer on a journey, to transport them to that place of wonder and grandeur as I experienced it, to feel the sense of awe, beauty and peacefulness. As a boy growing up in rural Michigan, I had many chances to take long, slow walks in the forest, soaking in all the beauty a child sees in nature. Now I use photography to slow down life and try to take in all that nature has to offer as I once did those many years ago. I am a self-taught photographer and have studied the photographic process for over 50 years. My interest includes the digital realm where my technical background lets me exploit all that the camera can capture. Throughout my travels, I try to bring back and share a vision of some of the awe-inspiring vistas I encounter. No matter where you are in the world, natures extraordinary beauty is around every corner. I believe that great images are always around us. They are ours to capture with our vision and share with the world. ...
Emilio Merlina - I was born in 1950 in the North East of Italy from a polish mother and a sicilian father. I toured the world until I was 35, then I returned to Italy and picked up again my old passion painting and sculpture. As for myself, I can only say thoughts and paintings, paintings and thoughts. Everything maybe useless, however everything is life. A-A?A1/2The human being leaves its signs, graffiti, indian dreams and imagination. Now I only have left a few more possibilities to express the colors which are not. Only the sign, scratched, angry or brushed is the witness. The sign has passed from there and there it has lived.A-A?A1/2 Emilio Merlina Some hear if a door opens Others hear a latch which opens or closes Others more they hear the Angel when he turns over a page of the Great Book From the novel Missa Sine Nomine By Ernst Wiechert I have words which relegate my hunger And the hunger which owns my body but which do not confine them I have words which are both my confined hunger and body By the Italian poetess Paola Lovisolo ...
Markus Kruse - An artist statement is a must for any serious artist. An artist uses the artist statement to communicate their ideas and intentions of their artwork to the public, collector, buyer, gallery and anyone interested in your artwork. It is important to take care in writing your artist statement. It will take time and rewrites this is not something that you write in five minutes. You want your artwork to be taken seriously - you want your artwork to be included in exhibitions - you want your artwork to be bought by buyers -- so take the time to write a good artist statement. ...
Sangeetha Bansal - I am a self taught artist, Public health dentist, a trained Indian classical dancer and love to express myself through my dance and art. I enjoy travel and have lived in different countries. During the course of my travels and work, I have had the privilege of interfacing with people across all levels of society, specially with women. I have heard their many stories. I have heard of their struggles, their joys, their beliefs, their love, their superstitions..and I have wanted to shareable of this. So, my work provides an emotional window to this beautiful creation - woman and is an ode to her. AC/a,!aEUR1By exploring the different lenses of culture, mythology and religion, I express the myriad of emotions which define her. She dons many hats that test the limits of her endurance. She could be as mythical as a goddess or celestial being, or as real as your girl next door, but, she is the center of all my art. My art is a humble attempt at capturing her essence and is my tribute to her.... I work with oils and charcoal and currently live in New Jersey. ...
Luise Andersen - Luise'Mignon' Andersen Luise'Mignon' Andersen has only recently begun to reveal her lifes work. Soon after her debut she exploded onto the mainstream art world. Her breathtaking pieces have captured international interest. The stories Luise'Mignon' is telling through her truly deep, layered works seem to decipher the past and foretell the future, perhaps sharing her window to other dimensions and a seventh sense. Her detailed acrylic'Mignon' series speaks to the beholder. They inspire raw emotion and ignite ones imagination. The indescribable nature of the "Duree De Ma Vie" in particular has a growing portion of the art community considering it the conception of an entirely new style. By Maxi c)2006 Guided Through Inner Mind- Intuition- Mental Imagery- I Create The Final Of What I Am Consciously Not Aware Of.. That I Want...... Need... With Each Completed Painting... Eye Of Core Gains a Glimpse Of My Tomorrow.... c) LA I crave.. painting...drawing... sculpting... writing... Like re-inventing my life... my purpose... myself.. .Gives me a direction.. the courage to look at myself ..and find'ME' there... At least for the duration of creating.. ....and once I collect these shards of my core within colors, shapes... form...
Rickie Dickerson - I work from the core, I smear my guts on the canvas, all the pain and, lust and anger...right before your very eyes. I have to paint, I have no choice. My mentor, Luise "Mignon" Andersen, introduced me to acrylic paint and threw me deeper into the river of creativity. Everything I do is just to keep me from drowning... As for the photography, that's compulsive as well....