Artists Describing Their Art:
Ted Schaal - Lately I have been exploring the use of two enduring materials, bronze and stainless steel. I enjoy the juxtaposition of the primitive texture in the bronze with the mirror polished modern look of the stainless. Balance and symmetry dominate simple geometric forms. These sculptures are made to last through the ages with the highest level of craftsmanship and quality metals. Most of my latest work can be scaled up for public or corporate settings and commission inquiries are welcome. With over 20 years of sculpture experience anything is possible from desk top size to monumental fountains and sculpture. ...
Paul Machalaba - Paul Machalaba is a cutting edge artist specializing in large welded aluminum sculptures with a contemporary cast look. His pieces can be found coast to coast in private estates and in city centers at prominent corporate locations. Growing up in rural Vermont, but spending years in Florida, he is now well known for bringing a youthful fresh style to the northeast. Working from his studio in laid back Woodstock VT, he strives to find the perfect balance of motion and rigidity in a unique blend of sleek calligraphy inspired works with zero visable welds. His portfolio has a wide variety of styles that show a broad range of inspiration in different series, yet are easily identifiable as being from the same artist. He has been quoted as saying I love to explore different styles, from elegant to abstract graffiti. So many artists either have many different variations of designs that look the same, or no consistency. I feel that its the same with many rock bands on the radio. Some bands songs all kind of sound the same, but the legendary bands have a deep rooted consistency, yet every song is a completely new experience. I want all of my ...
Plamen Yordanov - I share the idea of an art that creates reality instead of offering its conventional model. I want to provoke the birth of view that go beyond the boundary of reality itself. These viewpoints stress an order that exist "a priory" in nature and can be developed again and again. This aspect makes the picture exist as a signal that gives the onlooker a chance to go deep into his/her life experience and mind. This is a universal signal to which the individual responds in un unique manner and creates his/her own reality. ...
Mac Worthington - BIO Internationally recognized and locally renowned, Mac Worthington continues his inspirational fine art past his studio and into your home. Each piece reflects his desire for difference and neglect for the norm. Born and raised in Canton, Ohio also known as A-A?A1/2Little ChicagoA-A?A1/2, Mac was privileged to be molded around a family of artists. His father John A-A?A1/2JackA-A?A1/2 Worthington was a local artist, well-known for this bronze sculptures, specifically busts for movie stars and sports figures included in the Pro Football Hall of Fame located in Canton, Ohio. His mother Marion Worthington was skilled in enameling and silver work. The combination of creative talent and environment made him destined for artistic success. Serving in the jungles of Vietnam at the age of nineteen Mac interpreted the indescribable feelings of war into powerful expressions of art. He attributes additional creativeness to influences such as Hells Angels, Elvis, Bob Dylan, Marlon Brando and the 60A-A?A1/2s era. Going back to his roots he entered the world of heavy metal. Teaching himself to weld he used steel and iron to create massive, grandiose outdoor sculptures. Becoming more skilled with his mediums, he discovered the versatile use of high tech aluminum. This skill ...
Youri Messen-Jaschin - Award 1963 1st Prize of contemporary engraving Center of Engraving Geneva MusAfA(c)e dAC/a,!a,,C/art et dAC/a,!a,,C/Histoire Geneva 1966 Grant of the Swedish state for study at the University of Gothenburg research in the textil in Op art 1969 USA Gould corporation 1st prize for the realization of a Op art sculpture 1970 2 nd prize for a textile work - electro-acoustic, University of Gothenburg 1971 1 st prize for a textile work - electro-acoustic, RAfAPhsska Museum Gothenburg 1985 Italiy Centro Studi e Ricerche delle Nazioni World Culture Award Statue of Victory 1985 1985 Centro Studi e Ricerche lAC/a,!a,,C/Accademia dAC/a,!a,,C/Europa Diploma of Appointment of Academician of Europe for its cultural and professional activity 1986 Diploma European SchowmenAC/a,!a,,C/s Union For his sincere efforts on behalf of the European ShowmenAC/a,!a,,C/s Union we hereby extend our special appreciation to. Bruxelles IV73 1987 Diploma of nomination Golden Elephant for the merits that he acquired to the cause of the circus Schweizer National Circus GebrAfA1/4der Knie Rapperswil 1998 Installation Award Certificate of Merit Research in Op art Angel Orensanz Foundation, Center for the arts, New York 2000 Aim for Arts, International juried exhibition, celebrating artistic achievement Federation of ...
Robin Antar - My abstract pieces depict the waves of thoughts moving through my mind at various moments. Sometimes, I sit in front of the stone, shut my eyes and meditate before starting the art process. I think of the form I need to create to transfer feelings of tranquility onto these works. When I feel angry, I attack the stone with the same mass array of sharp and powerful tools such as 7-inch diamond blades and high-powered air hammers, to chisel away and eliminate my stress, anxiety, and frustration. These emotions vanish as they are infused into the rock. Its true beauty of these sculpture lays not merely in its physical presence, but in its soul. My point is to bring a dead rock to life. What better way than to give it a physical shape and breathe my emotions into its grooves ...