Artists Describing Their Art:
Youri Messen-Jaschin - Award 1963 1st Prize of contemporary engraving Center of Engraving Geneva MusAfA(c)e dAC/a,!a,,C/art et dAC/a,!a,,C/Histoire Geneva 1966 Grant of the Swedish state for study at the University of Gothenburg research in the textil in Op art 1969 USA Gould corporation 1st prize for the realization of a Op art sculpture 1970 2 nd prize for a textile work - electro-acoustic, University of Gothenburg 1971 1 st prize for a textile work - electro-acoustic, RAfAPhsska Museum Gothenburg 1985 Italiy Centro Studi e Ricerche delle Nazioni World Culture Award Statue of Victory 1985 1985 Centro Studi e Ricerche lAC/a,!a,,C/Accademia dAC/a,!a,,C/Europa Diploma of Appointment of Academician of Europe for its cultural and professional activity 1986 Diploma European SchowmenAC/a,!a,,C/s Union For his sincere efforts on behalf of the European ShowmenAC/a,!a,,C/s Union we hereby extend our special appreciation to. Bruxelles IV73 1987 Diploma of nomination Golden Elephant for the merits that he acquired to the cause of the circus Schweizer National Circus GebrAfA1/4der Knie Rapperswil 1998 Installation Award Certificate of Merit Research in Op art Angel Orensanz Foundation, Center for the arts, New York 2000 Aim for Arts, International juried exhibition, celebrating artistic achievement Federation of ...
Youri Messen-Jaschin -
Karen Morecroft - My work is primarily based on my experiences of the city, including my travels through the US & Europe. Documentation is an important feature of my work as it is where I collect my source material, which is a key element to the images I create. My work relies on photographic and found imagery along with collected objects from many varied sources, including the mass media. Layering, repetition and opacity are key elements of of my work that strive to reflect a certain nostalgia....
Rachel Dimicco - The concept of my work was conceived from pondering the unexplainable, unrepeatable occurrences in the natural world. This concept was then studied through the spontaneous intuitive processes of interaction between the fragile and irreducible materials and environmental components. The process was motivated by exploring the deterioration of natural elements. My workaEURtms intent was to alter how the elements of nature are viewed through conjoining atmospheric elements and natural phenomena. ...
David Sananman - My artwork, across different mediums, is about exploring the dimension not visible to our eyes. I am trying to bring forth into physical reality images and animation that comes from within my mind. Through the different mediums of painting, printmaking, and animation I get to discover the strengths of those particualar artmaking techniques and apply it to my abstract work. Much of my work is simply applying what I have learned of art's essences such as color, composition, technique, and theory. I derive a great sense of fun and mystery that I hope others will also form their own impressions from looking at my work....