Artists Describing Their Art:
Mac Worthington - BIO Internationally recognized and locally renowned, Mac Worthington continues his inspirational fine art past his studio and into your home. Each piece reflects his desire for difference and neglect for the norm. Born and raised in Canton, Ohio also known as A-A?A1/2Little ChicagoA-A?A1/2, Mac was privileged to be molded around a family of artists. His father John A-A?A1/2JackA-A?A1/2 Worthington was a local artist, well-known for this bronze sculptures, specifically busts for movie stars and sports figures included in the Pro Football Hall of Fame located in Canton, Ohio. His mother Marion Worthington was skilled in enameling and silver work. The combination of creative talent and environment made him destined for artistic success. Serving in the jungles of Vietnam at the age of nineteen Mac interpreted the indescribable feelings of war into powerful expressions of art. He attributes additional creativeness to influences such as Hells Angels, Elvis, Bob Dylan, Marlon Brando and the 60A-A?A1/2s era. Going back to his roots he entered the world of heavy metal. Teaching himself to weld he used steel and iron to create massive, grandiose outdoor sculptures. Becoming more skilled with his mediums, he discovered the versatile use of high tech aluminum. This skill ...
Diana Carey - I developed a passion for the creation of metal forms while studying at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. Each piece is unique and is discovered as I create it. There is no direct path from one piece to the next, instead, each evolves from the material. Once I start working on the piece I move with it as it starts taking shape. I want the metal to flow, the pieces to be light and airy, counterbalancing the rigidity of the steel I am working with. My sculptures are there to be touched and felt. Touching my sculptures can move a person along the same wavelength I felt as I was creating it. I know a piece has succeeded when I see smiles on the faces of people looking at it. People have said that my work makes them happy as they see and experience it. ...
Eric Jacobson - My work is influenced by a variety of sources from mandalas to contructivism "drawing in space" and nature: artists like David Smith, Mark Di Suvero, Miro, Picasso, etc. My current work incorporates brass tubing with mobiles and water. Some of these create sound as well. I have also created steel "frames", often octagonal that enclose a series of elements floating within this environment. I have been exploring the use of depth(perspective), color and balance in my work. I am very interested in the "layers" that make up each person's life history and mind, and therefore create layers in my sculpture to symbolize this. I often see things in the world as having an" inner and an outer", sometimes revealed to the world at large and sometimes hidden. This includes the human mind. People often keep parts of themselves hidden or protected even sometimes from themselves. Sometimes thes things are revealed in artwork. My sculptures also involve the relationship of the natural and man-made environments and the balance or imbalance between them....
Tamara Sorkin - I have always worked from organic subjects- plants, animals, or the human body, but usually I arrive at an abstract, "zoomorphic" description, that enables me a wider perspective. ...
Steve Kiene - My art expresses fundamental cosmological and spiritual concepts such as the balances in nature, regeneration and growth, and the interdependence of all things. I want to express how man & nature are interconnected. In today's modern culture, many have forgotten, that all things, living and inert, have a part in our relationship with life itself. The tree branch carvings illustrate how man is just a branch of the larger organic cosmos. Where Man and Nature become one....
Dermot O'Brien - Over the past fifteen years i have developed my own very unique art form working with wood and light. Using light as an added dimension to highlight the spaces between the wood a new sculpture is created. The sculptures always consist of several shapes the light exploring and defining the relationship between the bodies....
Louise Parenteau - ARTISTIC STATEMENT I studied fine arts at the University Of QuA(c)bec In MontrA(c)al (1986-1991). I was involved in various artistic activities in which I took a strong stand against injustice, poverty, and social exclusion. My work took shape using different methods of research and observation. I articulated my artistic approach inspired by existential human sufferings. I created portraits of individuals with unusual physical traits, expressions, deformities, attitudes... These characters inspired me to use colour in contrasts and splashes. My aim was to express the life animating the characters by an internal light. For my installations, I used a physical space to transpose socio-political situations and dramatic events. With the barest resources, my intention was to stimulate the interest of the viewer. My material supplies: Acrylic, rubbish, wood, metal, rust, polystyrene panels, personal objects, used clothing, etc. In 1995, I realized that I had reached limits with my artistic approach. I decided to have a period of questioning with the aim of going further in my research in terms of intention and expression. This process enabled me to explore, to experiment with different materials and to reposition myself using sculpture as my main form of expression. Ever...
Pim Van Der Wel - Pim van der Wel (1950) combines the art of making watercolours with his work as a business economist. After lessons in all the basic drawing techniques by two Dutch painters in the periods 1980/1987 and 1994/1996 he specialised himself in watercolours. Watercolour offers hardly any limitations, so he can show what he likes and that is light and shadow in dents, creases and gloss etc. His objects are sports (mainly football), cans, torsos, animals (cows, sheep, dogs and chicken). In the last 10 years his work has been shown at (group-)exhibitions in the Netherlands. Some galleries have his works permanently in stock. ...
Berthold Neutze - Artists Statement Art from wood is either turned (pretty bowl), roughly hewed (pure artistic laziness) or from selected ugliness regarding to the choice of wood. The flashy the material the less you see the sloppy work of the artistaEUR| Why do I use wood after all? Besides hard and splintery beechwood? The work is risky and tedious, demands concentration and sensitivity for the materialaEURtms structure - thus a challenge for craftmanship. Together with the subtle texture and unexitedly tint of beechwood that makes it to my favourite material. Beechwood allows undisguised view towards the form language. The shiny smooth surface means a distance to aEURzharshaEURoe nature to me. The outcoming piece is a picture, not copy. The tactile dimension. There is this invitation to the spectator to touch it, to feel the inherent warmth of wood, to feel out the incorporated strings and muscles to append another dimension to his phantasy. Subject follows function. My abstract -, as well as the anthropo- and zoomorphic sculptures emerge from the curiosity what other structures evolution could find - or improve - to add another niche in nature. I mostly work without preceding drawings und start to work unintentionally; the aEURzideaaEURoe evolves during the progress - the ...
Gadadhar Das - Artist Statement: The Proper Counseling & Guidance can change the neglected & destitute street Children as a perfect human being. I think, the discarded Tree Roots & Branches would be an attractive Art object in the same way. I collect the discarded tree roots from Forest & roadside those are lying for destroy by fire or any other way. I try to identify the basic structural pieces of the roots and branches of various trees, driven by naturally possessed artistic vision and then shaping them to various final forms like Hindu Deities, Animals and various others objects etc., which are entirely hand made sculptors out of specially selected single pieces of roots and branches of trees of various shapes and sizes. I look forward sincerely for my work to earn its due appreciation among the art lovers. ...
Augie Nkele - Born: Kisangani, Congo, Africa BFA: Emphasis Painting, 1979, Academie Des Beaux-Arts, Kinshasa and Lubumbashi Additional Studies: Notre Dame de la Sagesse, School of Interior Design, Brussels, Belgium, 1980-82 Currently a US citizen residing in Fort Worth, Texas I am from the Kongo people. Before Columbus sailed to the New World, the Portuguese had already established trade relations with the kingdom of Kongo. Members of the royal court of Kongo attended the university in Lisbon. I speak the Kikongo language, as well as Lingala, Swahili, French and English. Congo is always in my heart although it has been many years since I have been there in person. My country has a rich artistic and cultural history and the Congolese people have made important contributions to art and music. One of my goals with my art is to introduce our history and culture to others. When you know Africa you will love Africa. I love learning about different ethnic and national cultures. I look for links that can unite people rather than divide them. Having lived on three continents has given me a broader interest perhaps than if I had only lived in one community all my life. We must ...
David Chang - Sharing My Artistic View By David K. Chang Art is an expression of the spirit that is not limited by time or space. Although artistic styles differ depending on the artist's background, rationales, interests, and feelings, the intent of all artwork is to guide audiences into a specific mood. Therefore, art arouses an echo between the audience and the artist. This echo can be one of excitement or agony, of humor or anger, of comfort or sadness, of oppression or complete release, or one of inexpressible description. Artists continue to explore their own finished work as well as to encourage audiences to gain a deeper understanding of that work. Excellent artwork often comes from self-examination. Even though an artist may believe he is developing and refining his style by intuition, this intuition is usually the artist's unrecognized expression of his reflection, which has embedded itself into his subconscious. My inspiration frequently comes from my reflection on and enjoyment of nature, from my loving it and studying it. The artwork that comes from this reflection can express the resolution of conflict between man and nature, or the connection between them. These ideas can be articulated in the freedom ...
Sandee Armstrong-Smith - A Canadian Artist - Sandee A (Smith-Armstrong)