Artist Statement -

Expression can be a violent method, the reason is not given to us, exists as a passion for life without cause or purpose, an eternal delight of creating and destroying..
In this period of change, the role of the creative artist can only be that of the revolutionary: it is his duty to destroy the last remnants of an empty, irksome aesthetic, arousing the creative instincts still slumbering unconscious in the human mind. The masses, brought up with aesthetic conventions imposed from without, are as yet unaware of their creative potential. This will be stimulated by an art which does not define but suggests, by the arousal of associations and the speculations which come forth from them, creating a new and fantastic way of seeing. The onlooker's creative ability (inherent in human nature) will bring this new way of seeing within everyone's reach once aesthetic conventions cease to hinder the working of the unconscious.

Artist Exhibitions

I am in the process of compiling my past and current exhibition opportunities.

Artist Publications


Artist Collections

Numerous private, corporate, museum, gallery and government collections detailed information coming soon.

Artist Favorites

Personal Favorites

Personal info and favorite links and sites coming soon.