Sculpture For Sale - Price Range: $100 - $199

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Discover 59 original sculpture artworks for sale between $100 - $199. Contemporary emerging artists: Andrew Wielawski, Diana Carey, Eric Jacobson, Ted Schaal, Ildiko Toth, Bob Doster, Vladimiras Nikonovas, Robert Hargrave, Sal Villano, Grzegorz Luszczyk, Paul Orzech, Juan Pablo Cima, Bobbie Newman, Alice Buttress are exhibiting their affordable original art. You can buy artwork online and browse 3 pages for more originals at the end of this page. To view detailed information for any of these artworks click the image or browse the artist's portfolio website.

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Andrew Wielawski: 'face', 2018 Marble Sculpture, Representational. A tiny head carved from a river stone. The world s best marble scraps were often thrown into the river I took this from, and could easily have been part of a block Michelangelo had cut from the mountains. His quarry was higher up the same river. ...
, 2018
Representational - Sculpture
1 x 2 inches (2.5 x 5.1 cm)
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Diana Carey: 'circles squares', 2017 Steel Sculpture, Abstract. Tabletop steel sculpture. Rugged. Gray. ...
Abstract - Sculpture
9 x 6 inches (22.9 x 15.2 cm)
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Eric Jacobson: 'Brass Bird', 2009 Other Sculpture, Animals.      This sculpture is an elegant interplay of organic forms, movement.     ...
, 2009
Animals - Sculpture
9 x 4 inches (22.9 x 10.2 cm)
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Ted Schaal: 'Bronze Star', 2005 Bronze Sculpture, Geometric.  Releif carving of an eight pointed star.  Designed for wall decoration or as architectural detail. ...
Geometric - Sculpture
7 x 7 inches (17.8 x 17.8 cm)
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Ildiko Toth: 'Malaga Installation 2', 1994 Ceramic Sculpture, Architecture. Handbuilt, functional for Powder Room...
Architecture - Sculpture
10 x 10 inches (25.4 x 25.4 cm)
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Bob Doster: 'angel oak', 2017 Steel Sculpture, Garden. Signed numbered series in multiple sizes...
, 2017
Garden - Sculpture
12 x 10 inches (30.5 x 25.4 cm)
Bob Doster: 'creche', 2017 Steel Sculpture, Religious. Signed numbered series in multiple sizes...
, 2017
Religious - Sculpture
12 x 10 inches (30.5 x 25.4 cm)
Vladimiras Nikonovas: 'Pokemon', 2016 Mixed Media Sculpture, Figurative.  sculpture made from old metal parts on wood board ...
, 2016
Figurative - Sculpture
24 x 24 cm (9.4 x 9.4 inches)
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Robert Hargrave: 'Figurative Bookends', 2015 Wood Sculpture, Home.  Figurative Bookends...
Home - Sculpture
8 x 8 inches (20.3 x 20.3 cm)
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Sal Villano: 'Beaded on Round Base  Wall Art Sculpture ', 2011 Mixed Media Sculpture, nature.   bonsai, tree, sculpture, wire, art work, nature, sal villano, metalwork, beads, glass beads, bonsai trees, bonsai tree art, mixed media, jade trees, wire trees, twisted wire trees, unique, original, original sculpture, original art work    ...
nature - Sculpture
10 x 10 inches (25.4 x 25.4 cm)
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Grzegorz Luszczyk: 'Object', 1995 Other Sculpture, Abstract.
, 1995
Abstract - Sculpture
12 x 3 cm (4.7 x 1.2 inches)
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Paul Orzech: 'Rooster', 2010 Bronze Sculpture, Animals.  I created Rooster as part of a series of stylized animals as a fun project.  This sculpture was inspired by a seeing a Polish Chicken and its wild ornate head feathers and its name.  Being of Polish decent also helped.If you like this sculpture you may enjoy the other...
, 2010
Animals - Sculpture
3 x 5 inches (7.6 x 12.7 cm)
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Sal Villano: 'Beaded on Rock ,   Wire Tree Sculpture ', 2007 Mixed Media Sculpture, Landscape.  Beaded on Rock - Wire Tree Sculpture 7
Landscape - Sculpture
7 x 6 inches (17.8 x 15.2 cm)
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Juan Pablo Cima: 'dino', 2007 Steel Sculpture, Figurative.
, 2007
Figurative - Sculpture
40 x 100 cm (15.7 x 39.4 inches)
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Paul Orzech: 'Cactus Flower', 2004 Bronze Sculpture, Floral.  A life like bronze reproduction of the Saguaro Flower and its bud.  The white and yellow patina wash reproduces the coloration of the actual flower.  The green patina reproduces the color of the Saguaro Cactus.  This flower can be used as a paper weight or accent piece on a book...
Floral - Sculpture
3 x 3 inches (7.6 x 7.6 cm)
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Paul Orzech: 'SNAIL MAN', 2003 Bronze Sculpture, Visionary.  This small piece of sculpture was conceived while sculpting with mynephew.  It is a playful piece cast simply for fun.  It makes me think of person emerging from his shell to begin a journey of adventure in this world.  The Patina, or coloration, is ammonium sulfide base with a white...
, 2003
Visionary - Sculpture
3 x 4 inches (7.6 x 10.2 cm)
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Bobbie Newman: 'Her Guardian Angel', 2005 Ceramic Sculpture, Love. Female Lover reading a book in a chair with winged male watching over her. Stained bisque ware....
Love - Sculpture
4 x 3 inches (10.2 x 7.6 cm)
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Bobbie Newman: 'Photographers Studio Family Portrait', 2005 Ceramic Sculpture, Interior. Father and daughter having photo taken in front of beach back drop by woman photographer in a one room apartment. Glazed white clay....
Interior - Sculpture
6 x 4 inches (15.2 x 10.2 cm)
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Bobbie Newman: 'The Story', 2005 Ceramic Sculpture, Love. Nude lovers on an ornate couch, the male wearing a crown and telling a story, the female listening intently - Stained Bisque ware....
, 2005
Love - Sculpture
5 x 5 inches (12.7 x 12.7 cm)
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Bobbie Newman: 'Saturday Night', 2005 Ceramic Sculpture, nudes. White Bisque Nude young Female Figure putting on nylon stocking. Felt protector on bottom...
nudes - Sculpture
5 x 4 inches (12.7 x 10.2 cm)
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Grzegorz Luszczyk: 'Metal object', 1996 Mixed Media Sculpture, Abstract.
Abstract - Sculpture
7 x 16 cm (2.8 x 6.3 inches)
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Alice Buttress: 'Egyptian Jar', 2001 Ceramic Sculpture, History. Egyptian Pharaoh Canopc Jar. Handthrown and sculpted in stoneware clay. High fired unglazed....
History - Sculpture
4 x 9 inches (10.2 x 22.9 cm)
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Artists Describing Their Art:

Andrew Wielawski - Art must communicate ideas and have them received the way the artist intends, reaching as many viewers as possible to provoke an emotional response. If you go for those who are in the know about artistic periods, about current trends, and about a symbolic language that requires training to understand, then the artist will miss a huge audience. The artist then becomes a slave to styles created by others. If on the other hand, you work towards reaching multiple levels of viewers, then your task becomes more difficult, and at the same time, more fulfilling. An artist who creates a language will not fit into any already existing niche, and will alienate those looking for something they already know about, like gallerists, collectors and museums. Creativity, however, is like will find its way around such obstructions, and bring the artist satisfaction and a clientele that appreciates what they create without regard for what's in fashion. Most of all, this way of producing reflects the rarity of truth in a world mostly dedicated to superficial values. ...

Diana Carey - I developed a passion for the creation of metal forms while studying at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. Each piece is unique and is discovered as I create it. There is no direct path from one piece to the next, instead, each evolves from the material. Once I start working on the piece I move with it as it starts taking shape. I want the metal to flow, the pieces to be light and airy, counterbalancing the rigidity of the steel I am working with. My sculptures are there to be touched and felt. Touching my sculptures can move a person along the same wavelength I felt as I was creating it. I know a piece has succeeded when I see smiles on the faces of people looking at it. People have said that my work makes them happy as they see and experience it. ...

Eric Jacobson - My work is influenced by a variety of sources from mandalas to contructivism "drawing in space" and nature: artists like David Smith, Mark Di Suvero, Miro, Picasso, etc. My current work incorporates brass tubing with mobiles and water. Some of these create sound as well. I have also created steel "frames", often octagonal that enclose a series of elements floating within this environment. I have been exploring the use of depth(perspective), color and balance in my work. I am very interested in the "layers" that make up each person's life history and mind, and therefore create layers in my sculpture to symbolize this. I often see things in the world as having an" inner and an outer", sometimes revealed to the world at large and sometimes hidden. This includes the human mind. People often keep parts of themselves hidden or protected even sometimes from themselves. Sometimes thes things are revealed in artwork. My sculptures also involve the relationship of the natural and man-made environments and the balance or imbalance between them....

Ted Schaal - Lately I have been exploring the use of two enduring materials, bronze and stainless steel. I enjoy the juxtaposition of the primitive texture in the bronze with the mirror polished modern look of the stainless. Balance and symmetry dominate simple geometric forms. These sculptures are made to last through the ages with the highest level of craftsmanship and quality metals. Most of my latest work can be scaled up for public or corporate settings and commission inquiries are welcome. With over 20 years of sculpture experience anything is possible from desk top size to monumental fountains and sculpture. ...

Ildiko Toth - I studied art, design and master ceramics in Hungary, Budapest.I advance studied set design and architecture in the United States.I was introduced to the fascinating world of sculpting by my Master Artist:Zsuzsa Morvay of Hungary. My traveling throughout the World inspires and helping me to find the tools to complete my task: To define The Poetry-of-Clay. In my work I strive to combine the valuable essence of centuries into creations of art objects-to be placed in today's architectural enviroment.My goals include working with new materials, discovering, combining and stretching their possibilities. ...

Robert Hargrave - Beauty is often found in unexpected places. Few people would expect anything made from plywood to be beautiful, yet they are surprised and intrigued when they learn this fact about my work. I laminate a very special Birch plywood from Russia to a darker Lauan plywood from Indonesia, then carve them to reveal the previously hidden core. The results are often compared to some rare and exotic wood, skillfully brought to life. The Plywood Sculpture line consists of nearly seventy contemporary designs that are functional as well as decorative. There are over two dozen mirrors in many shapes and sizes. The designs range from figurative to geometric, from celestial to functionally conservative. Several figurative sculptures are balanced by some furniture designs. The line is rounded out by many gift items, such as picture frames, boxes and other accessories." All of my designs have a fluid sense of movement, emphasized by the black glue line. The alternating light and dark woods have a variety of colors in natural, however dyed colors offer even more possibilities. Each piece is signed and given a smooth, maintenance free lacquer finish. A free, full color catalog is available upon request. ...

Sal Villano - The inspiration for creating my sculpture grew from a lifetime love of trees. I am in awe of the stately presence and silent majesty they posses. I find the structure of trees to be one of the perfections in nature. With their roots embracing the earth; in winter they show their bones, in spring gentle buds, in summer a canopy of green and in fall a magical kaleidoscope of colors. Beauty, pure beauty. ...

Grzegorz Luszczyk - Grzegorz Luszczyk belongs to a small group of artists fascinated in leather as an artistic material, in its facture, plasticity and other attributes. Though it has accompanied man since the dawn of history, in contemporary art has been used since not long ago. He also designs and makes statuettes, signboards and gadgets using colour metals, stainless steel together with marble, stone, leather and other materials. The state-of-art techniques like laser and water stream cutting out or powder painting have been used in manufacturing process. Grzegorz Luszczyk's emotional comprehension of art reflects in his works and in permanent searching for artistic material. First, there was metal, next leather, later canvas and paints. Now, there is metal once more but together with stone and plastic. Problems with identity? Rather consequence in penetrating of new artistic expression areas. In his 20 years lasting adventure with art he has tried his hand at different fields. He shaped metal, formed leather, painted, designed small objects... He presented his achievements on 17 exhibitions in Warsaw, Gdansk, Moscow, Madrid and other towns. His works are present in numerous collections in Poland, West Europe, Japan and in the USA. ...

Paul Orzech - Paul Orzech Sculpture Studio Artist Statement: The heart ofA my artwork is expressed by the words aEURoeClassical form with a modern edge.aEUR As an artist, I feel the need to incorporate the classic concepts of the human figure from the Ancient Greek and Italian Renaissance periods, with the more message-oriented elements of todayaEURtms art. My belief in the beauty and power of the raw human form is exquisitely celebrated in the classical forms of sculpture. The modern themes I treat in my art include feminism; contemporary ideas of spirituality and love; and the all consuming presence time plays in our fast-paced American lives. I feel there is a quiet strength in the combination of established classics and contemporary expression that demonstrates a smooth continuity of social history. ...

Bobbie Newman - BOBBIE NEWMAN - CHICAGO SCULPTOR I sculpt scenes to express the beauty of human beings in a simple moment, and also scenes which depict my own revelations about life. I hope you enjoy them. I'm happy to do a commission from a photo of anything you may desire: A house, a pet, a person. I can also help you create the idea for depicting your subject. Please contact me to see more work and answer any questions. My work has been sold in Chicago at Objects, Joy Horwich, Merrill Chase Water Tower Place, Chiaroscuro, Erie Street Gallery and Lill Street Gallery....

Alice Buttress - My name is Alice Buttress and I live the lovely highland village of Carrbridge near the Cairngorm Mountains in Scotland. I have been working with clay for the past twenty years and sell my work mainly from my Studio in Carrbridge and at exhibitions. I work in stoneware and porcelain, sculpting, handbuilding and throwing in a traditional representational style. I fire my work in an electric kiln and gas Raku kiln with post firing reduction. Also for the past 7 years I have been chainsaw carving wood sculptures for the garden, most popular carvings are owls, squirrels, and bears. Inspiration for my work comes from historic cultures, legends and my surroundings in the Scottish Highlands....