Artists Describing Their Art:
David Larkins - IA-A?A1/2ve always been intrigued by the luminosity and transparencies found in watercolor, Oil and acrylic mediums. I believe an artist must experience the painting A-A?A1/2 to absorb the surroundings, the atmosphere, to have a oneness with the subject matter before the first brush stroke is applied. My style is described as A-A?A1/2Abstract RealismA-A?A1/2 and my strength is found in the composition. IA-A?A1/2m drawn to diverse subject matter that challenges the viewer to see abstraction in the ordinary A-A?A1/2 to meld the A-A?A1/2realA-A?A1/2 world with the A-A?A1/2abstractA-A?A1/2. ...
Avril Ward - ArtistaEURtms statement. Creating has become an intricately woven part of my life. I must express nature, as it is my window to God. I must delight in the human body, a marvel that never ceases to amaze. I must express love and joy-this keeps them tangible in my life. I must trust my instincts and skills allowing them to lead me in the right direction. Most importantly: if my art can move a person to pause, think, smile, ponder, cry, laugh, be encouraged or give them hope, then I have served my purpose in life.aEUR To view a video about, my inspiration and work methods in sculpture please copy and paste the link to your browser.
Denise Dalzell - Painting. Illustration. Expressionism. Pop Art. Modern. Realism and, occasionally, a bit of Abstraction. My current work centers on my consideration of how we respond to each other, the stories that develop between us and around us, and how our collective stories reflect on and influence us individually. How our stories bounce off each other and combine to create new stories. My paintings are illustrations of the scenes that I encounter during my travels abroad and in daily life so, some scenes are more sweeping than others. How do we, as people of differing backgrounds, cultures, and experiences interact with each other Are we different people in a crowd than when alone How do we fit in or stand out where we find ourselves at any given moment, in any given story Stories are everywhere, and thereAC/a,!a,,C/s no predicting what theyAC/a,!a,,C/ll reveal. Body language, movement, color, contrast combine to illustrate my scenes of interaction between people and within environments. The excitement of being a part of something as unifying as a protest, the sense of adventure that comes from starting out with no particular destination, intimate moments with those we love and those we discover in the big events...
John Gamache - If I come across something of interest that will be a focal point for me to build on, that excites my passion for elements of the pastAC/a,!aEURold, cast-off objects,AC/a,!aEURrun down barns, old junk cars, and abandoned houses. These are the objects I collect and infuse with new life through my paintings. When I create such a piece, I wish to convey the emotions I feel for the scene or objects to the viewer. I want the viewer to be an active participant in my joy, melancholy, humor, nostalgia. Through my textures, layers, earth-tones, and choice of images, I strive to convey these feelings. To me, the process of creating a work is transcendental I am completely lost in the making, I am part of each piece. It does take time to finish each painting as I work on several at once. Each painting is a slow build up of many layers to reach the final detailing. My goal is to create and master my craft, not just in the painting but in the feelings Ive described previously to the viewer. To elicit emotion will make the piece and my goal complete as a work of art. ...
John Gamache -
Raphael Perez - Article about Raphael Perez naive art paintings Raphael Perez is an Israeli artist known for his naive style paintings of Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem cities. His work captures the essence of these cities and their urban landscapes, highlighting their iconic buildings and sites. PerezAC/a,!a,,C/s paintings create an idealized atmosphere in which reality is beautified and presented in a dreamy, fantastic manner. PerezAC/a,!a,,C/s work is characterized by its vibrant colors and cheerful depiction of life in these cities. The streets in his paintings are full of people and loving couples hugging and kissing, while the boulevards are lined with well-kept trees and bushes. PerezAC/a,!a,,C/s work presents a vision of IsraelAC/a,!a,,C/s future as a promising startup nation, with beautiful, clean, and naive cityscapes featuring towering skyscrapers reaching towards the sky. Through his art, Perez portrays Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem as modern and advanced cities. His paintings are a celebration of these citiesAC/a,!a,,C/ unique characters and their places as cultural hubs in Israel. PerezAC/a,!a,,C/s work is a testament to the beauty and vitality of these cities and their people. In conclusion, Raphael Perez is an Israeli artist whose naive style paintings of Tel Aviv, Haifa, ...
Bob Dornberg - Art ELEMENTS include; relationships of objects, shapes, lines, spaces, colors, rhythm and balance. ELEMENTS are seen when observing any work. An artist should learn while observing, exploring and inventing. While subject matter is important, it should remain subservient to these ELEMENTS. MY WEBSITES:
Bob Dornberg -