Artists Describing Their Art:
Joanna Pettit-Almasude - My art work centers on my concern for humans, animals and our planet. I tend to focus on expressive portrayals of the human condition. In many of my previous works, I was especially motivated to describe the challenging position of marginalized peoples in the world. I am currently concentrating on conservation and environmental issues as well as the importance of moving toward eating a whole non-processed plant based diet. I also plan to work on artwork that discusses how we humans need to care for all animals including the human animal and work to sustain our earth that we all depend on. All of these issues tend to be interrelated and merge into one holistic approach to life, not only through mind, body spirit but also through our relationships with and responsibility to the world around us....
Geo Kat - ART as THERAPY... __________________Why not, art as therapy ...ok, which is my inspiration.... hmm, ok, yes, all the old masters and ...nature. All the Other human been I can say... Personas very different in space and time, like Praxiteles or Botticelli or Candinsky. .......... Of course we, humans, we are nature, part of nature, part of natures mystery...... May be my well effort as an artist is to explore this mysterious and fantastic world, and create an art that is not exist yet, as an invention...............or you can say exists, but is not expressed into existence yet. And this art exists as a living person full of dreams of colours of happiness, good will and healing matter. ________________ I suppose also that my inspiration is whatever still lives underneath this ancient old city, Athens....................... What are you thinking ...
Jose Freitascruz - Borneo 2003The tropical rainforest and tales of maritime exploration continue to be reflected in my work. Indeed, travel and displacement condition my work - the many places I have lived in throughout my childhood and those others my chronic wanderlust has led me to since then have always had an impact on the choices and directions I have taken. The knowledge that a new perspective can be acquired over things we believe to be fixed triggers curiosity and fosters a certain degree of unconformity. The need to find and learn new ways to depict whatever it is I wish to depict keeps me on my toes and doesnt allow me to settle with the tools or the style I am already familiar with - I am constantly on the move and my painting is meant to be a record of the path I move along. Perceived from a distance my approach tends to be cyclic, each cycle divided into series. Progression occurs from the outside in AC/a,!aEURoe from the surface to the core, from a certain degree of figuration to abstraction. Upon tackling each new theme I will be struck by the outward aspect of things and charged with a strong desire to ...
Paulo Medina - Para mAfA, el arte, ha sido como una pequeAfA+-a barca en donde he cruzado muchas veces el mar. Una barca frAfA!gil y pequeAfA+-a, sin embargo, capaz de cruzar hacia grandes horizontes. La barca ha sido un instrumento AfAotil, pero nada mAfA!s... La pintura es poesAfAa silenciosa SimAfA3nides Artistic experience, as a spectator, and then, more directly, as an artist, has meant for me the possibility of transcending and reaching certain spaces that are intangible, but lived daily. As a creator, to be in front of a blank canvas or a digital image to be manipulated, is to be faced with a challenge that of translating to the language of forms, textures and colors something that has not yet been conceptualized, but that exists somewhere and that I desire to capture, expressing it through those materials and tools at my disposal. It thereby becomes a kind of game, in which time disappears and one enters into communion with the aesthetic experience with its infinity of moments, which go from pain to ecstasy. Self-taught experimentation in the field of art, has been for me one of the great pleasures of life. La experiencia artAfAstica ...
Jacqueline Weegels - My whole life I have created art somehow, as do most people one way or another. I grew up with a father who enjoyed painting large theater back drops and making larger than life papermache float creations. Although, I felt inspired by this, it somehow intimidated me and made me want to work small. Now, having raised two children, and influenced and been influenced by them and THEIR art, my work has become ever more eclectic and varied. I am ready for a new phase in my art as, like everyone else, continue to conquer new challenges in life, stay healthy and seek balance. ...
Vladimir Volosov - I was born in 1937 in Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia). My way to art was a lengthy one. Before becoming an artist, I studied for thirty years at the forefront of modern physics as a PhD scientist and professor, author more than 150 scientific articles in contemporary laser physics. Thirty years of strenuous scientific work on the front edge of modern physics gives me a deep feeling for the anxiety and unprotectedness of the world's beauty. The formula, "beauty saves the world" fits my own attitude. My creed is also embodied in the statement: "to have time to realize everything given to you by Nature." At the threshold of my fifties, I decided to live one more life, a new, alluring life of the free artist. I walked away from my established scientific career and completely devoted myself to painting. In 1991 I founded and headed the association "Light, Color and Art" to connect with scientists engaged in the arts. The main directions of my paintings are lyrical realism and abstract compositions. My paintings are about light, color, atmosphere and space. For me, the most important elements are light and color and their juxtaposition/nexus/meeting of...
Michael Garr - I have been drawing and painting since Junior High. I enjoy quick art, impressionistic yet realistic, and minimal. There are interesting subjects all around us. My inspirations are architecture, people, light and shadow, the sea and boats, imagination... and the old masters. Get out and enjoy your surroundings. All my works are available as signed and numbered prints. I also do commission works, some examples of which are in the portfolio. I donate all proceeds to charity, and have recently teamed with SAVE THE BAY, a local Rhode Island eco-advocate organization, which receives 30 PER CENT of my proceeds. My opportunities for artistic expression have included drawing on napkins during airplane rides and waiting during my sons music lessons. In 2012 I took up oil painting for the first time, and my mentor is Lorena Pugh of North Kingstown. Ive done both Plein air and studio work in her presence, and am benefitting from the association. We have an informal group who meet and paint in Lorenas studio on Monday nights throughout the indoor season. I will continue to pursue art on a daily basis, and post the finished works here and on facebook for any and all to ...
Ludmilla Wingelmaier - Unique idea and my emotion are the basis of a great work of art. Creating new worlds on the canvas, in dialogue with materials and technology, fascinates and inspires me. Many exhibitions since 2005 at galleries and institutions in Austria. Thanks to extensive art training, the artist works in techniques oil, acrylic, tempera, gouache, watercolor, ink. She has the ability to paint in the wide range of styles abstraction, impressionism, realism, iconography. Her paintings have been sold in private collections in Austria and internationally. ...
Engelina Zandstra - In the labyrinth of my thoughts there are many roads that are leading to the unknown. many roads are leading to the unknown - around every corner a surprise - fata morganas unprecedented views - paintings designed according to laws of their own. ...
Kichung Lizee - After coming to this country from Korea in the mid 60's to study art, among the many forms of Western art that I was introduced to, Abstract Expressionism interested me most. Currently I am in the process of synthesizing Eastern and Western approaches to art. Specifically, I'm adopting the techniques and materials of Eastern calligraphy to Western thematic material, my primary goal being to close the gap between East and West and reach for universal creativity. Eastern calligraphy I learned is a living and breathing spirit, rather than the dead and rigid tradition of thousands of years. It is uniquely a form that conveys the pulsation of life energy. Through it, one can experience all aspects of the living spectrum. Eastern calligraphic form reveals the kind of life the artist has led, as well as foreshadowing the person one will become. It is the art form that manifests the self as a way of life or philosophy of life. It is a powerful art form that operates through direct intuition. As an artist I rely heavily on creative intuition. Moving with changes in the stream of consciousness, my creative intuition somehow brings out the subconscious and superconscious through ...
Heather Hyatt - In my work as a fine artist, I use the mediums of graphite, coloured pencil and oil, in the styles realism, photo-realism, trompe l'oeil and portraiture, Ideas come from literature, metaphors, and the real world. Rather than the imitation of appearance, my concern is with the essence of the subject. In trompe l'oeil, it is the hardness and softness of guns and lingerie, which, when mounted in shadow boxes, become real. In the series,'Dante's Divine Comedy', executed in graphite, the object was to depict the universality of his ideas as they appear today. In all of my work, realism is my focus and goal. ...
Mac Worthington - BIO Internationally recognized and locally renowned, Mac Worthington continues his inspirational fine art past his studio and into your home. Each piece reflects his desire for difference and neglect for the norm. Born and raised in Canton, Ohio also known as A-A?A1/2Little ChicagoA-A?A1/2, Mac was privileged to be molded around a family of artists. His father John A-A?A1/2JackA-A?A1/2 Worthington was a local artist, well-known for this bronze sculptures, specifically busts for movie stars and sports figures included in the Pro Football Hall of Fame located in Canton, Ohio. His mother Marion Worthington was skilled in enameling and silver work. The combination of creative talent and environment made him destined for artistic success. Serving in the jungles of Vietnam at the age of nineteen Mac interpreted the indescribable feelings of war into powerful expressions of art. He attributes additional creativeness to influences such as Hells Angels, Elvis, Bob Dylan, Marlon Brando and the 60A-A?A1/2s era. Going back to his roots he entered the world of heavy metal. Teaching himself to weld he used steel and iron to create massive, grandiose outdoor sculptures. Becoming more skilled with his mediums, he discovered the versatile use of high tech aluminum. This skill ...