Biblical Paintings   (Page 1 of 3)

Browse 71 Biblical Paintings artworks for sale. Contemporary artists: Shoshannah Brombacher, Hana Grosova, Themis Koutras, Harris Gulko, John Powell, Wendy Lippincott, Judith Fritchman, Cathy Dobson, L. Kelen, Carlos Duque, Jim Collins, Ekaterina Nikidis offering Paintings artworks. Links to more artworks by these contemporary artists and 3 pages for Painting% and further artists at the bottom of this page. To view a work by any of these contemporary artists simply click on the image or browse the artist's portfolio. To buy any Paintings simply click on the image to go to a more detailed page about this work of art.

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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'etz chaim tree of life', 2024 Other Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: The Tree of Life, Etz Chaim, The Torah. I have made many images with the Tree of Life...
Biblical - Other Painting
6 x 8 inches ( x )
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Hana Grosova: 'Holy family in the landscape', 2023 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: Oil painting on canvas, Jesus Marie Joseph in the landscape rosks and trees around...
Biblical - Oil Painting
80 x 90 cm ( x )
Themis Koutras: 'Elias', 2019 Acrylic Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: ELIAS is in the new testament prophet he is recognized by the original Greek ORTHODOX church they say he rides a chariot too and fro heaven preaching the gospel off course this means spiritual and he is in spirit which he can not be seen or herd so ...
, 2019
Biblical - Acrylic Painting
20 x 16 inches ( x )
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Themis Koutras: 'jesus the king', 2019 Acrylic Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: This is a picture of JESUS CHRIST crucified with a crown instead of thorns it represents that his the KING and he did nothing wrong to be crucified we his people believe him even if he was not crucified we believe him but in this true case he ...
Biblical - Acrylic Painting
10 x 12 inches ( x )
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Harris Gulko: 'Jacobs  Ladder', 2015 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: JacobAC/a,!a,,C/s Ladder I thought if I could ascend that ladder, I would ask God why good people die young.I recalled that Jeremiah verse7 exclaimed AC/a,!A
Biblical - Oil Painting
19 x 25 inches ( x )
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John Powell: 'seven', 2001 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: This piece is an extension of my religious seriesit is entitled7 , it s God s favorite number, each of the elements are7 , marked asThe Seven Seals elements of God.  It is painted on seven canvasses, each the same size but is ONE painting...
, 2001
Biblical - Oil Painting
10 x 16 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'miriam dancing', 1997 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: This is one of my paintings bout Biblical women.  Miriam, Mosessister, took her tambourine after the Jews got safely on dry land and escaped Pharaoh s heir, and sang an song of praise.  All the Jewish women sang and danced with her. ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
24 x 36 inches ( x )
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Wendy Lippincott: 'Regret and Apathy', 2016 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:  cynical, psychology, regret, apathy, representational                        ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
18 x 9 inches ( x )
Wendy Lippincott: '11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Destroy the Earth', 2015 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:  Bible, Commandments, Destruction, Earth, Conservation, Global Warming ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
40 x 52 inches ( x )
Judith Fritchman: 'Ponderings', 2010 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: LUKE 219  But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.  Mothers have always had hopes, dreams, and sometimes fears for their children Mary certainly had cause to ponder about her extraordinary child. Here she is pictured, cradling her infant son, Jesus. He holds in ...
, 2010
Biblical - Oil Painting
12 x 16 inches ( x )
Judith Fritchman: 'Casting Stones', 2008 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: The story of the accused woman brought before the crowd in the temple is related in the 8th Chapter of the Gospel of John.  She is shown here standing in shame before the humble, kneeling Christ, who offered her compassion and redeeming grace. ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
40 x 60 inches ( x )
Judith Fritchman: 'For Such a Time as This', 2009 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:    Esther appears before the king on behalf of her people. ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
28 x 48 inches ( x )
Judith Fritchman: 'Mary and Martha', 2009 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:  Jesus and His disciples were welcomed into the home of Martha and her sister, Mary, who sat at His feet listening. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations.  This brief account encapsulates the conflict between serving and worship which so many of us experience in our everyday ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
44 x 42 inches ( x )
Cathy Dobson: 'Queen Of Heaven', 1995 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: The Silver and Gold Icon Collection.
Biblical - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
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Cathy Dobson: 'By the Power Of the Most High', 1995 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:   Oval illuminated oil painting from The Silver and Gold Icon Collection.
Biblical - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
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Hana Grosova: 'Holy Night', 2006 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:  This picture is painted in accordance with Bible and it shows Jesus with Maria and Joseph in the night landscape. There are also two prey persons. ...
, 2006
Biblical - Oil Painting
32.3 x 26.2 inches ( x )
Judith Fritchman: 'Grieving Magdalene', 2008 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:  All the Gospel accounts of the crucifixion include Mary Magdalene as one of the group of women who waited at the foot of the cross.  Symbolic references to her grief and the resurrection include the willow tree and the crown of thorns. ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
40 x 40 inches ( x )
Judith Fritchman: 'The Prophecy', 2009 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: The account in the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke tells the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah, who were the parents of John the Baptist.  I have shown Elizabeth in contemplation of the prophecy given to Zechariah by the angel, Gabriel.  How perplexing and amazing this news ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Judith Fritchman: 'Gabriels Gift', 2008 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:  The traditional image of Mary is often as a very young woman.  The theme of aEURoeThe Annunciation, aEUR the title given to those images which depict the scene when the angel Gabriel visits Mary to announce to her that she will give birth to Christ, is described in the ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
60 x 28 inches ( x )
Judith Fritchman: 'The Visitation', 2008 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:  A popular theme depicted by many artists, as far back as Giotto in 1302, tells the story told in Luke 1: 39- 45 of the visit of Mary with her cousin, Elizabeth.After being told by the angel, Gabriel, of her pregnancy and the impending birth of Jesus, ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
40 x 60 inches ( x )
Judith Fritchman: 'Witness   Mary Magdalene', 2008 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: Mary Magdalene has been a person of great interest since early Christian times.  With each passing era she has been recreated and transformed to serve ecclesiastical and societal needs.  Her role as first witness of the Resurrection triumphs over all the other attempts to devalue her worth as ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
40 x 54 inches ( x )
Judith Fritchman: 'Living Water, The Woman at The Well', 2008 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:  The story of the encounter at the well of the Samaritan woman and Christ is found in the fourth chapter of the Gospel of John.  The experience became a life changing event for this woman, who was startled at His discernment of her lifestyle, His wisdom, and His ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
24 x 36 inches ( x )
Judith Fritchman: 'Repentant  Magdalene', 2008 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:  Here, another role of Mary Magdalene is depicted. . . the repentant woman contemplating scripture. She is seated before a background of a Cedar tree, often a symbol of Christ and redemption, and her alabaster perfume jar is a frequent attribute of Mary Magdalene. ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
40 x 40 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'From the story of Channah and Shmuel', 2008 Other Painting, Biblical. Artist Description:  I created a whole series about the story of Channah and her son Shemuel, the prophet. This is one of them. Please CONTACT me for all information about price, availability, commissions etc. at: SHOSHBM@ AOL. COM Thank you ...
Biblical - Other Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
L. Kelen: 'TheReligionator', 2006 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: oil on linen. . . regal frame.Ruler of a world I' ve been arting for many years. . .Interesting how many have pointed outthat the body is very bee- like. . .I' ve always have had much respect for the fascinating bee. . .I' ve just been informed that yes, in ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
36 x 45 inches ( x )
Cathy Dobson: 'Romans 10 13', 1995 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: Oval golden wooden framed illuminated original oil painting with phosphorscent letters and highlights. Blacklight ArtWork. Painting of Jesus Christ. Features Bible quote
Biblical - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
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Carlos Duque: 'judas iscariote', 2023 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve, requested an audience with these chieftains of the Jews and basely offered to betray his Lord into their hands. d Overpowered by the impulse of a diabolical avarice, which, however, was probably but an element Of secondary importance in the true motive ...
Biblical - Oil Painting
80 x 100 cm ( x )
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Jim Collins: 'abraham', 2014 Oil Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: Abraham worships after God reveals his seed will be numbered as the stars in heaven...
, 2014
Biblical - Oil Painting
20 x 16 inches ( x )
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Ekaterina Nikidis: 'in the beginning was', 2019 Acrylic Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: Part 1. The wordGolden background as a symbol of absolute uncreated light envelops the letters, which are woven from some fancy branches and flowers. They seem to be real, but they became so only after they were transferred from the authorAC/a,!a,,C/s mind to the canvas.The ...
Biblical - Acrylic Painting
60 x 60 cm ( x )
Mary Schwartz: 'trinity of love', 2021 Acrylic Painting, Biblical. Artist Description: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Trinity entering into humanity to give birth to hope, through the cross of Jesus Christ. ...
Biblical - Acrylic Painting
14 x 11 inches ( x )
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Last Updated: Thu 06 Feb 2025 07:12:01 AM EST