Fantasy Paintings   (Page 1 of 45)

Browse 1349 Fantasy Paintings artworks for sale. Contemporary artists: Maria Teresa Fernandes, Ronald Weisberg, Bryan Kemila, Wendy Lippincott, Engelina Zandstra, Lou Posner, William B Hogan, Larysa Uvarova, Luise Andersen offering Paintings artworks. Links to more artworks by these contemporary artists and 45 pages for Painting% and further artists at the bottom of this page. To view a work by any of these contemporary artists simply click on the image or browse the artist's portfolio. To buy any Paintings simply click on the image to go to a more detailed page about this work of art.

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Maria Teresa Fernandes: 'Unfinished symphony', 1981 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description:  why do artists place several objects ?to work more ?  as a challenge ? ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
20 x 24 inches ( x )
Maria Teresa Fernandes: 'rose in a drop', 1981 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: thick glass is a stimulus for the painter ( unknown collector, waiting for a better photo ) ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
16 x 22 inches ( x )
Maria Teresa Fernandes: 'vanished paulistana slum', 1968 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: last scenes of a transient metropolitan life...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
22 x 15 inches ( x )
Ronald Weisberg: 'melancholy', 2021 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: Meditation, quiet moments, green robe, solitude, tree, bird, rock, sadness, landscape...
, 2021
Fantasy - Oil Painting
34 x 37 inches ( x )
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Bryan Kemila: 'great chicago fire new price', 2006 Acrylic Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: Great Chicago Fire - Acrylic on art boardIts intense as he peers through her flimsiness.Flames erupt on her back.Distracted, the fireman is tangled by the stiffening hose.  The fire consumes, burning them both.The dalmatian is bewildered as their heatmelts the Chicago skyline.Art cards ...
Fantasy - Acrylic Painting
29.5 x 20.2 inches ( x )
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Wendy Lippincott: 'fantocrasy', 2015 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: Fantasy Images...
, 2015
Fantasy - Oil Painting
50 x 80 inches ( x )
Engelina Zandstra: 'Composition 6142', 2021 Acrylic Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: Acrylic painting on canvas.  Original artwork.  Composition, maybe a landscape.  Composition in planes, lines and shapes.  Acrylic on stretched canvas of which the sides are painted.  Certificate of authenticity included.  Ready to hang.I call my paintings Landscapes of the mind, because they are inspired by images that ...
Fantasy - Acrylic Painting
120 x 100 cm ( x )
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Lou Posner: 'tyler comes to visit', 2021 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: Tyler came to visit.  In private collection. ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
18 x 12 inches ( x )
William B Hogan: 'magrittes pipe dreams', 2020 Acrylic Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: Magrittes Pipe dreams of other images...
Fantasy - Acrylic Painting
30 x 30 inches ( x )
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Larysa Uvarova: 'she is the one', 2013 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: Original oil on canvas painting was done with high- quality paints will be great for the modren interiors. Ready to hang. ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
80 x 90 cm ( x )
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Larysa Uvarova: 'sea wave', 2013 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: Original oil on canvas painting was done with high- quality paints and mixed media will be great for the modren interiors. Ready to hang. ...
, 2013
Fantasy - Oil Painting
80 x 90 inches ( x )
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William B Hogan: 'the eye sees', 2020 Acrylic Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: The eye sees in all directions and all things...
Fantasy - Acrylic Painting
30 x 40 inches ( x )
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Luise Andersen: 'detail 2', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: October 29,2019- detail 2 of back to blue...
, 2019
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'detail 3 of back to blue', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: October 29,2019-  so all i have to do is wait a little while until oils settled enough so i can  continue with my brush. . when that is done, i intend to take the canvas off the existing stretcher bars and gesso the back. . today itis drawing or ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'detail of back to my blue 1', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: October 29,2019- . . since camera did not catch the closest to original colors taking the whole picture. . i took details of this work which show close to original hues. carried the for me larger painting - i am a short person and canvas is 36 inches wide. . towards terrace  ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'continuous back to my blue', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: update missed the afternoon light.  i was exhausted , interrupted night due to noises by heavy winds during night . .  and AC/a,!EoecrashedAC/a,!a,,C/  zzzzAC/a,!a,,C/d longer than usual. .  will retake tomorrow hopefully in neutral light.  this  picture of art work is taken in front area where curtains and blinds are closed ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'oct 10 back to my blue hues', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: picture of art work was taken in early morning light.  the glazes of blue hues and blue greens play magic in various light conditions. .  this is picture of present stage , October 10,2019- paint deep of core more . .  softenedand added transparency to areas but do not forget AC/a,!EoestrengthAC/a,!a,,C/. .  ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'oct 1 continue back to my blue', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: this is image after three days painting . . through changes. . in pursue of more light, dimensional feel, by minimizing form being more expressive with strength in abstractness. . now i allow oil paints to settle . . and view. . ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
35 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'change in continuous blue 1', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: September 29,2019- have to go for the change.  hrs of painting . .  eliminations and recreating what i want on canvas . .  thank heavens continuous work. ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'left detail back to blue', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: Set. 26,2019-  closed in on left detail . . size mentioned is of whole painting. ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'september 26 back to my blue', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: Thursday, September 26,2019- oils after rest period permitted more glazes. composition still responds to values in hues . voice of emotion at time of painting expresses in hues , new forms or strengthen the existing. also eliminated several. .still continue in this ongoing work.   ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'right detail of blue', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: September 26,2019- close in detail of right side ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'september 16 back to my blue', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: painted hrs yesterday and as usual brush makes changes AC/a,!EoehappenAC/a,!a,,C/. . mentioned in previous uploads of this continuous work that i really liked each version very much. . yet for some inside reason i continue. . and it is very beautiful . . think still of turning it around and work on the ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'september 9 back to my blue', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: painted several hrs. . changes happen as usual in process of glazing and layering opaque hues too. . colors show here and there. . wonder why i AC/a,!EoeinsistAC/a,!a,,C/ on continuance when i already very much liked previous versions. . it excites me to see what AC/a,!EoehappensAC/a,!a,,C/when i take unusual to me ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'september 6 back to my blue', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: painted mostly all day yesterday . . this is left side detail of my oil painting . . right side i worked on too. need to wait with continuance until oils settle enough. . ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'september 3 back to my blue', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: picture of oil painting taken mid afternoon . . is in darker area of front room . . light from backyard sliding glass door reaches the canvas in nicely . . colors are close to what my eyes see . . nothing compares to original though. ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'back to my blue daytime pic', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: placed the larger canvas , awkward for me to handle  am not as strong any more, nor agile either, plus short too   on floor close to back glass door , when sun was still not glaring in. . not the best of photo take, but is close to original hues in ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'back to my blue august 30', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: picture taken inside with available light, evening, August 30, 2019- painted approx. 9 hrs today. . amazing changes. . and to my eyes b e a u t i f u l nuances of BLUE . . view now and continue tomorrow. . ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'back to my b l u e 28 august', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: morning of Wednesday, 28th of August 2019- i painted most of yesterday. . this is detail of painting. up to now i really very much liked e a c h version. . entranced by this one. will see where layering of transparent applied nuances lead me today. . i might alter  ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'back to my b l u e 23 aug 2019', 2019 Oil Painting, Fantasy. Artist Description: picture taken with absolutearts.  com camera . .  i painted on this work couple of days again. .  oils dried enough to continue. .  took a while, since several layers of hues beneath . .  had a chance to deeper view during this time, and began layering more glazes of hues now. .  mostly transparent ...
Fantasy - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )