Judaic Paintings   (Page 1 of 2)

Browse 52 Judaic Paintings artworks for sale. Contemporary artists: Shoshannah Brombacher, Jerry Di Falco, Yosef Reznikov, Ari Rajsbaum, Lou Posner offering Paintings artworks. Links to more artworks by these contemporary artists and 2 pages for Painting% and further artists at the bottom of this page. To view a work by any of these contemporary artists simply click on the image or browse the artist's portfolio. To buy any Paintings simply click on the image to go to a more detailed page about this work of art.

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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'pesach', 1997 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: I created a lot of art for Pesach, wrote a complete Haggadah, series of the 15 Steps, Chad kadya, Echad mee yodea, in black and white or in color, painted the seder, and more.  Pesach means  to jump,  like the angel of death jumped over the houses of ...
, 1997
Judaic - Oil Painting
18 x 24 inches ( x )
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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'the son who can t ask', 1997 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: I created a lot of art for Pesach, wrote a complete Haggadah, series of the 15 Steps, Chad kadya, Echad mee yodea, in black and white or in color, painted the seder, and more. This painting belongs to a series of four, depicting the four sons in the ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'the simple son', 1997 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: I created a lot of art for Pesach, wrote a complete Haggadah, series of the 15 Steps, Chad kadya, Echad mee yodea, in black and white or in color, painted the seder, and more. This painting belongs to a series of four, depicting the four sons in the ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'The bad son', 1997 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: I created a lot of art for Pesach, wrote a complete Haggadah, series of the 15 Steps, Chad kadya, Echad mee yodea, in black and white or in color, painted the seder, and more.  This painting belongs to a series of four, depicting the four sons in the ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'the four sons the wise son', 1997 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: I created a lot of art for Pesach, wrote a complete Haggadah, series of the 15 Steps, Chad kadya, Echad mee yodea, in black and white or in color, painted the seder, and more. This painting belongs to a series of fouir, depicting the four sons in the ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
18 x 24 inches ( x )
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Jerry  Di Falco: 'synagogue in budapest', 2020 Other Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: DiFalco unites the genres of printmaking and painting in this unique work on paper, which also depicts a scene from the city of Budapest.  The media include etching ink, RivesBFK white paper, gouache, pulverized mica, gold dust, Gouache, and Windsor Newton watercolors.  The image was adapted from a ...
Judaic - Other Painting
16 x 12 inches ( x )
Yosef Reznikov: 'composition musicians', 2018 Other Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: Jewish motifs in our painting.  Despite its ancient and eventful history, very few artists were nominated by the Jewish people from their midst.  This is explained by religious prohibitions onpainting , for it is saidDo not make yourself an idol and no image of what is in the sky ...
Judaic - Other Painting
200 x 150 cm ( x )
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Ari Rajsbaum: 'el bisabuelo', 1996 Other Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: Painting of my great grandfather. It forms part of a group of paintings about the memories, of jewish inmigrants to the Americas. ...
Judaic - Other Painting
45 x 60 cm ( x )
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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'between heaven and earth', 2000 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: Said the Karliner RebbeA Jew should be like the ladder of Jacob, with his head in Heaven and his feet firmly planted on the ground.  In other words, a Jew should study Torah and think of spiritual things while taking care of his livelihood, business and family, etc.  ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
24 x 36 inches ( x )
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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'the shpoler zeide', 2017 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: I am illustrating a book about the Shpoler Zeide, a famous Chassidic Rebbe, by Dr. J. Paull and J. Briskman. There are many stories about the Shpoler Zayda and i made pastel drawings and oil paintings. They will be included in the book, but the originals are for ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'shpoler zeide s trial with gd', 2015 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: I am illustrating a book about the Shpoler Zeide, a famous Chassidic Rebbe, by Dr. J. Paull and J. Briskman. There are many stories about the Shpoler Zayda and i made pastel drawings, like this one, and oil paintings. They will be included in the book, but the ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
36 x 36 inches ( x )
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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'tea on shabbos afternoon', 2017 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: An old Chassidic couple cherishes their quiet afternoon tea on Shabbos, with their old samovar, books and memories. ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'TheWagon of  the Besht', 1996 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description:  I have many paintings about the Baal Shem Tov, stories, travels, scenes of his life. this is one of them. For ALL inquiries ( price, availability commissions, other Baal Shem Tov themes etc. send and mail to Shoshbm@ aol. com for a speedy and accurate answer ( do not inquire ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
40 x 42 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'The Breslover Tikkun Kelali', 2007 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description:  The Tikkun Kelali are ten Psalms recited in time of need and connected to Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. There are many more stories about the Tikkun than can be given in the limited space of this website. I have a long description of the painting, its details and ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
3 x 4 feet ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'Simchat Torah', 2003 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description:  This is the middle panel of a triptych. It shows a shul and men celebrating Simchat Torah and dancing with scrolls. The side panels ( not shown here) show the balconies of the synagogue where the ladies sit. This commissioned painting is not availalbale anymore; I take commissions for ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
30 x 30 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'Dancing with an ethrog', 2000 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: This is procession with lulavim and ethrogim on Sukkot. Ak me about my other Yom Tov paintings....
Judaic - Oil Painting
20 x 28 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'The Spinker Rebbe', 1994 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: This work I painted when I lived in Williamsburg ( Brooklyn) and saw the Spinker Rebbe walking in the street one evening....
Judaic - Oil Painting
12 x 14 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'The Wagon of the Besht', 1996 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: The Baal Shem Tov often ordered his wagon driver Alexei to turn around and let the horses run free. They would gallop through the skye and travel miraculously over long distances and let the Besht perform miracles in remote places. I have a lot of art about the ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
28 x 32 inches ( x )
Lou Posner: 'The Holocaust Is Now', 2005 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description:    It took me decades to arrive at an image with which to speak about the death of millions of people during WW II....
Judaic - Oil Painting
30 x 60 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'Seder at the Lower Eastside', 1992 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: This is a seder in a shul at the Lower Eastside of New York, which I attended after I arrived in the city, just married. I later set up my studio in this shul. The table with a lot of strange guests ( the crowd resembled a Three Penny ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
24 x 36 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'Simchat Torah in Williamsburg', 1994 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: This dance on Simchat Torah I saw in shul in Williamsburg when I lived there....
Judaic - Oil Painting
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'He who does not know what to ask', 1995 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: This work is part of a set about the four sons mentioned in the Hagada: the wise son, the wicked son, the simple son, and the son who does not know to ask questions. Usually this son is portrayed as a small child, but it could also be ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'Nisht Kayn Vort', 1992 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: The Kotzker Rebbe was a very taciturn man, a recluse who prefered to stay alone in his study. The yiddish titel means: No word ( viz. , silence)...
Judaic - Oil Painting
5 x 7 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'Kneading the Dough', 1996 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: This painting shows the wife of the Berdichever Rebbe kneading the dough for challos. She used to say: I wish that my husbands thoughts at making kiddush are as holy as mine while kneading my dough....
Judaic - Oil Painting
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'The Baal Shem Tov', 1978 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: This is one of the older works I still have in my collection. It is not for sale, but it shows what kind of work I ( can/ will) make. This is an ( imaginary) portrait of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov ( the' Besht' , the Master of the Good Name, ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
12 x 16 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'A golden Jerusalem', 1996 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: Rabbi Akiva loved his wife Rachel so much that he promised her a Golden Jerusalem ( a piece of jewelry) . He was extremely poor at that time, and she, though coming from a rich family, followed him in his poverty and gave up everything so that he could study ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
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Shoshannah Brombacher: 'The Berdichever and the Shechinah', 2001 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: The Berdichever Rebbe once stayed in the house of a tanner, but he couldn	 stand the smell and fled at night to the deserted Bays Midrash. There he had an encounter with the Shechinah ( the mystical Divine Immanence, symbolized by a woman who went into exile with the ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'The golem of Prague 2', 1993 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: The Golem of Prague 2.This is another big painting about the golem, see also the description of the first work in his website) . It shows Rabbi Loeb at work with kabbalistic formulas, and the artist and some of her students telling stories at the steps near the ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
48 x 60 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: ' Blessing of the Moon', 1999 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: A Chassid is praying the beautiful and mystic prayer for the coming month ( birkat ha- levana) . I have a lot of work about Jewish ceremonies and Festivals, Chassidic and non Chassidic. Please ask me....
Judaic - Oil Painting
12 x 12 inches ( x )
Shoshannah Brombacher: 'The golem of Prague', 1992 Oil Painting, Judaic. Artist Description: The Golem of Prague is a theme which I have worked on for many years, in oil, on paper, small and large, especially after I had visited the old, mystic city of Prague.According to an old legend Rabbi Loeb of Prague created a homunculus to ward of ...
Judaic - Oil Painting
48 x 60 inches ( x )

Last Updated: Thu 06 Feb 2025 07:12:01 AM EST