Mythology Paintings   (Page 1 of 6)

Browse 160 Mythology Paintings artworks for sale. Contemporary artists: Paulo Medina, Wendy Lippincott, David Larkins, Harry Weisburd, Jerry Di Falco, Michael Pickett, Bessie Papazafiriou, Ron Ogle, Philip Hallawell, Michael Puya, Hans-ruedi Kammermann offering Paintings artworks. Links to more artworks by these contemporary artists and 6 pages for Painting% and further artists at the bottom of this page. To view a work by any of these contemporary artists simply click on the image or browse the artist's portfolio. To buy any Paintings simply click on the image to go to a more detailed page about this work of art.

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Paulo Medina: 'fauno', 2001 Acrylic Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: Fauno, dios de los campos y los bosques. ...
, 2001
Mythology - Acrylic Painting
33 x 42.5 cm ( x )
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Wendy Lippincott: 'river styx', 2023 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: River Styx is the river where the Dead travel to Hades...
, 2023
Mythology - Oil Painting
30 x 24 inches ( x )
David Larkins: 'the soothsayer of stonehenge', 2020 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: Stonehenge, on the plains of Salisbury also has many sheep grazing around this magnificent stone circle monument.It also has many crows, according to Celtic mythology they were seen as a soothsayer, an omen of death ans as a creator and cleansor, taking away all that was decayed. ...
Mythology - Oil Painting
20 x 16 inches ( x )
Harry Weisburd: 'myths leda and the swan 1', 2014 Acrylic Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: Myths :  Leda and the Swann ...
Mythology - Acrylic Painting
20 x 26 inches ( x )
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Jerry  Di Falco: 'MINOTAURUS REX', 2009 Other Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: MINOTAURUS REX or The Time when Spirit and Matter Separate. This mixed media four canvas painting is shipped in two boxes with two canvases per box. The work uses the repeated image of a Minotaur to represent the mythical symbolism found within the number four, including four seasons, ...
Mythology - Other Painting
48 x 60 inches ( x )
Michael Pickett: 'Modern Toilet of  Venus', 1998 Acrylic Painting, Mythology. Artist Description:  This is Mr. Pickett' s version of The Toilet Of Venus.In this version, Michael creates a modern idea of the Goddess Venus.Venus as an old Goddess still reflecting her youth and beauty.This is a Museum quality piece. ...
Mythology - Acrylic Painting
24 x 30 inches ( x )
Michael Pickett: 'Egyptian Art ', 2007 Acrylic Painting, Mythology. Artist Description:  Commissioned ...
Mythology - Acrylic Painting
20 x 16 inches ( x )
Bessie Papazafiriou: 'Wood Nymphs', 2006 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: The Greeks believed that various divinities protected nature.  These divinities were known as nymphs.  This painting depicts young women of the forest known as wood nymphs who protected trees.  It was believed that anyone who caught a glimpse of a nymph was blessed with good fortune and those ...
Mythology - Oil Painting
28 x 24 inches ( x )
Wendy Lippincott: 'Fate Handing Out the Gifts of the Arts', 2005 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: Fate is Handing out Precious Gifts...
Mythology - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
Ron Ogle: 'detail from Emily painting', 2003 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: A very close up detail of the painting known as EMILY. Oil on panel....
Mythology - Oil Painting
3 x 5 inches ( x )
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Ron Ogle: 'Venus de Miloscape', 1996 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: She appears, betwixt the trees. Based on the actual view from Diane' s driveway way up on the ridge overlooking the French Broad River which flows down there, a bit downstream from  Marshall, North Carolina, one sunlit afternoon in 1990. Most of the horizontal branches are poison ivy. ...
Mythology - Oil Painting
15 x 18 inches ( x )
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Bessie Papazafiriou: 'The Slumber of Ariadne', 2005 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: This painting is part of a series dealing with Theseus' abandonment of Ariadne on the island of Naxos.  Here Ariadne has fallen into a deep and tranquil sleep, still unaware of the fate that awaits her.THIS PAINTING WAS STOLEN FROM MY STUDIO IN CANADA IN 2010.  ...
Mythology - Oil Painting
30 x 20 inches ( x )
Bessie Papazafiriou: 'Selene and the White Ram', 2005 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: Selene, the moon- goddess, was loved by Pan, a pastoral god.  He transformed himself into a white ram and drew her into the woods....
Mythology - Oil Painting
24 x 30 inches ( x )
Wendy Lippincott: 'Miss Fortune', 2004 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: Allegorical painting where Miss Fortune presides over the fates of Disaster, Poverty, and Knowledge...
Mythology - Oil Painting
32 x 40 inches ( x )
Wendy Lippincott: 'Pagan World', 2004 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: A collage with various pagan images...
Mythology - Oil Painting
32 x 32 inches ( x )
Wendy Lippincott: 'Zodiac', 2000 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: Northern Hemisphere Zodiac Constellations...
, 2000
Mythology - Oil Painting
32 x 32 inches ( x )
Bessie Papazafiriou: 'The Abandonment of Ariadne', 2004 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: According to Greek mythology, seven virgins and seven young men were sent from Athens to Crete to be devoured by the dreaded Minotaur.  Theseus decided to put an end to this annual sacrifice by slaying the monster.  He did this with the help of Ariadne, King Minos daughter, ...
Mythology - Oil Painting
24 x 30 inches ( x )
Philip Hallawell: 'Zeus', 1988 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: This painting in oils on canvas over wood was initially a sketch for
, 1988
Mythology - Oil Painting
39 x 49 cm ( x )
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Philip Hallawell: 'The Hand of Ares', 1986 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: Part of the Iliad series, this one of the drawings that focuses on the Gods of the ancient Greeks, namely Ares ( Mars) the God of war. The triangular composition represents the danger of war. Done in oil on canvas over wood....
Mythology - Oil Painting
40 x 50 cm ( x )
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Michael Puya: 'Palace Fragment Of Festos', 2002 Other Painting, Mythology.
Mythology - Other Painting
20 x 24 inches ( x )
Philip Hallawell: 'Paris and Helen', 1986 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: This painting is also part of the Iliad series, and depicts Helen and Paris being swept up by their passion for one another. It is done in oils on canvas over wood....
Mythology - Oil Painting
60 x 80 cm ( x )
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Bessie Papazafiriou: 'Demeter and Poseidon', 2004 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description:  Due to Demeters sorrow over Hades abduction of her daughter Persephone, Demeter had no interest in Poseidons advances.  She transformed herself into a white mare and fled to Arcadia.  Poseidon found her and transformed himself into a black stallion. ...
Mythology - Oil Painting
36 x 24 inches ( x )
Bessie Papazafiriou: 'The 12 Mares of Boreas', 2004 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description:      According to Greek mythology, Boreas, the God of the North Wind, assumed the form of a stallion and mated with the mares of Erichthonius, the king of Athens.  This painting depicts the 12 swift young mares which resulted from this union.Limited Edition - Signed and numbered...
Mythology - Oil Painting
36 x 30 inches ( x )
Bessie Papazafiriou: 'The Fall of Phaethon', 2003 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description:      According to Greek mythology, Phaethon was the son of the sun god, Helios.  In order to prove this, he asked Helios to allow him to drive the sun' s chariot for one day.  He soon lost control of the chariot and came too near the earth.  In order ...
Mythology - Oil Painting
24 x 30 inches ( x )
Bessie Papazafiriou: 'Water Nymphs', 2002 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description:      According to Greek mythology, water nymphs are divinities which have the gift of prophecy and could deliver oracles.  Here, they are portrayed in their lush and tranquil environment....
Mythology - Oil Painting
36 x 30 inches ( x )
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Bessie Papazafiriou: 'Hera and Zeus', 2003 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description:      According to Greek mythology, the gods often disguised themselves to trick or seduce other gods or mortals.  Here Zeus becomes a cuckoo in order to gain Hera' s favor.  She unknowingly caresses Zeus who eventually becomes her husband....
Mythology - Oil Painting
25 x 33 inches ( x )
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Hans-ruedi Kammermann: 'cloud dance', 2002 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: Figura, sfondo, sfondo, figura: non vita silente, ma vita in movimento. E' l' uomo istintivo che precede l' uomo civile. ...
Mythology - Oil Painting
80 x 170 cm ( x )
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Philip Hallawell: 'Solidarity Achilles and Patroklos', 1986 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: This painting, part of the Iliad series, depicts one of the most moving parts of Homer' s epic, when Achilles enters the battlefield to save the body of his friend Patroklos. ...
Mythology - Oil Painting
50 x 40 cm ( x )
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Philip Hallawell: 'Helen of Troy III', 1988 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: This oil painting on canvas over wood is from the Iliad series. It shows Helen torn between the Greeks and the Trojans, bound to both, and yet dominating all. It is part of the Iolanda Jendirobba Teixeira collection. ...
Mythology - Oil Painting
160 x 100 cm ( x )
Philip Hallawell: 'Aphrodite', 1984 Oil Painting, Mythology. Artist Description: Part of the Iliad series, this is a depiction of Aphrodite. It was painted in oils on canvas over wood and is part of the Iolanda Jendirobba Teixeira collection. ...
, 1984
Mythology - Oil Painting
50 x 60 cm ( x )
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Last Updated: Thu 06 Feb 2025 07:12:01 AM EST