Other Paintings   (Page 1 of 26)

Browse 754 Other Paintings artworks for sale. Contemporary artists: Lou Posner, Luise Andersen, Marsha Bowers, Themis Koutras, Harris Gulko, Luiz Henrique Azevedo, Hans Andre, Austen Pinkerton offering Paintings artworks. Links to more artworks by these contemporary artists and 26 pages for Painting% and further artists at the bottom of this page. To view a work by any of these contemporary artists simply click on the image or browse the artist's portfolio. To buy any Paintings simply click on the image to go to a more detailed page about this work of art.

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Lou Posner: 'planet hospital', 2023 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description: The emotional experience of being hospitalized.  No, the figure is not ME.  Yes, I have been through a nightmare of medical experiences the past seven years.  I keep trying to paint, even tho I am disableld....
Other - Oil Painting
32 x 46 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: '2020 february 5 detail 4', 2020 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description: Wednesday morning, February 5,2020- . . continue today. . enlarge slightly. . i enjoy the acrylic collection of paint colors Rickie Dickerson brought for me. . also the christmas present drawing pad , lovely AC/a,!EoeTamiraAC/a,!a,,C/ and her sweet little girl AC/a,!EoeAnastasiaAC/a,!a,,C/ surprised me with. happy how it welcomes the acrylic paints.   most of ...
Other - Acrylic Painting
14 x 17 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: '2020 february image detail 3', 2020 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description: this is a journey my creative AC/a,!EoebeingAC/a,!a,,C/ takes during the many years. . life influences . . persistence and experience lead my brush. . Monday, February 3,2020. . . . several hours, one layer of color at a time. . : art paper getting AC/a,!EoeweightyAC/a,!a,,C/ now and i really . . as always, like that. . depths are great ...
Other - Acrylic Painting
14 x 17 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: '2020 january 30 detail 2', 2020 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description: painted more yesterday. .  mostly glaze hues. .  enjoy the results. .  luster. .  intriguing work with AC/a,!EoevoiceAC/a,!a,,C/ . .  like textures, images. .  think will continue mostly in upper area today.  wish peaceful weekend for All. ...
Other - Acrylic Painting
14 x 17 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'begin painting detail 1', 2020 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description: started several days ago. .  lovely AC/a,!EoeTamiraAC/a,!a,,C/ brought gift to create for me. .  a nice sized drawing pad and i just felt to try some more of the acrylic paints Rickie Dickerson shared . .  already several layers of colors in areas that held my attention. .  and i like how my ...
Other - Acrylic Painting
14 x 17 inches ( x )
Marsha Bowers: 'decorative panel', 2019 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description: Oil on canvas, decorative panel...
Other - Oil Painting
24 x 12 inches ( x )
Themis Koutras: 'gladiators in 2019', 2019 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description: This is a painting of some gladiators in history.  the original costs 1150. 00there are also prints sent by e mail cost prints 155. 00 U S each...
Other - Acrylic Painting
12 x 10 inches ( x )
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Themis Koutras: 'beginning of creation', 2019 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description: This art peace is inspired by the holy spirit as a sample of GOD creating creation.  the original cost 1150. 00 which is on canvasthere are also in prints sent by e mail cost for any of my prints 155. 00 U S each...
Other - Acrylic Painting
10 x 12 inches ( x )
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Themis Koutras: 'mexican', 2019 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description: This is a Mexican although can be exp- rest as JESUS CHRIST in transfigured and appearing as a Mexican in the same way he can transfigure himself to appear in any colour or nationality so on this was done for fun reason.  the original is out now for ...
, 2019
Other - Acrylic Painting
10 x 12 inches ( x )
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Harris Gulko: 'Converging Triangles', 2008 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description: AC/a,!A
Other - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
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Luise Andersen: 'in the blue mood still vi', 2018 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description: August 17,2018- still layer hues in blue. . and still images slightly  change  . . follow the inside  feel . . voice. . . while oil paints dry, i view. . ...
Other - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'in the blue mood still iv', 2018 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description: August 8,2018- . . i placed under other category, since filling that space for upload is neccessary.  this is or was an acrylic paintingi did several years ago. loved the brilliant blues. . guess not  enough , have viewed it several days and started to re work it. . in oils. changed ...
Other - Oil Painting
16 x 20 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'stage 9 to have it all', 2018 Other Painting, Other. Artist Description: to have it all , the drawing and painting in one with same media, charcoal pencils. is not so callednew . . most certainly frees the creative spirit . . i like theresultswhen i paint draw and draw paint in selected images. here, in this stage, and charcoal pencil worn down. . must resharpen . . ...
Other - Other Painting
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'stage 5 to have it all', 2018 Other Painting, Other. Artist Description: May 23,2018- i like the experience in drawing sketching and painting in same work- the knowing more each time. . work on light and dark s. . bring voice sound expression more into presence. . ...
Other - Other Painting
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'stage 3 to have it all', 2018 Other Painting, Other. Artist Description: son brought me this large textured water color paper and charcoal pencils set . . various hues. . sketched yesterday. . was already quite nice then. . today reached for brush. . water . . started  to abstract expression more due to  feel . inspired by charcoal pencil results and continued to paint with charcoals. . rewarding every ...
Other - Other Painting
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Luiz Henrique Azevedo: 'The visit to Rembrandt legacy', 2012 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description:  What survive from Rembrandt ? In a personnal level a daughter from your second wife, another died before. But in art, a extraordinary legacy of more than 600 pictures, 1. 400 drawings and at least 30 metal engravers. He show the life can have depths of despair and heights ...
Other - Oil Painting
80 x 60 cm ( x )
Marsha Bowers: 'Painted Violin', 2015 Other Painting, Other. Artist Description:  Hand Painted and gilded Violin.Title- Unicorn and lady. CommissionPainted with artist oil and inspired from the Unicorn tapestries                 ...
Other - Other Painting
6.5 x 23 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'detail of oil painting Begun March sixth twoOTweve', 2012 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description:   painted on this work. . let oils dry in between. . continue painting. . did most of day yesterday. . day before. . most likely tonight more. .these are parts of the original painting I am working on. . ...
Other - Oil Painting
24 x 23 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'detail II of oil painting Begun March sixth twoOTweve', 2012 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description:    painted on this work. . let oils dry in between. . continue painting. . did most of day yesterday. . day before. . most likely tonight more. .these are parts of the original painting I am working on. .  ...
Other - Oil Painting
24 x 23 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'LES YEUX D ESPRIT Update In Details DecThrtnTwoOEleven', 2011 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description:  . . painted most of today on visages. . urge to express feel is overwhelming. . life not 'gentle' . . painting. . allows me to' cope' in creative process. . . . this hanging off the' wire' . . is exhausting. . somehow. . painting ( or other creative work) calls for other kind of  energy I have inside. .  exit exhausted. . but ...
Other - Oil Painting
36 x 40 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'stil to be brought forwards images', 2011 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description:   . . here are some of the images, I still have to 'bring forward. .' . . there are many more. . but these, are the ones which' weigh' in feel most. . ...
Other - Oil Painting
36 x 40 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'LES YEUX D ESPRIT Detail II DecTenwoOEleven', 2011 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description:    . . was Les Regards Des Autres. . Les Yeux DES aUTRES. . . . will decide on name for this painting, once completed. . December 10, 2011 00 upload the details I am at present reworking. . emphasize feel of 'core' within eyes/ faces. . eliminated several smaller ones. . apparently do not have any impact in ...
Other - Oil Painting
36 x 40 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'LES YEUX D ESPRIT DecTenwoOEleven', 2011 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description:     . . was Les Regards Des Autres. . Les Yeux DES aUTRES. . . . will decide on name for this painting, once completed. . December 10, 2011 00 upload the details I am at present reworking. . emphasize feel of 'core' within eyes/ faces. . eliminated several smaller ones. . apparently do not have any impact in ...
Other - Oil Painting
36 x 40 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'rework of Les Regards Des Autres', 2011 Oil Painting, Other. Artist Description:  . . since months now I want to rework this larger oil painting . . never could really come to total feel with the 'title' . . last one was' Les Yeux Des Autres' . . and Les Regards Des Autres' . . on page 5 and towards last pages in the Oil Paintings collection. . very difficult too, ...
Other - Oil Painting
36 x 40 inches ( x )
Hans Andre: 'Happy New Year', 2011 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description:   Painting acrylic and oil  ...
Other - Acrylic Painting
92 x 69 cm ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'AND JUST BEGUN tearing my heart', 2011 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description:  see my 'heart. . feel of. . . . and painting . .  soul on canvas. . . . . 31 3/ 4 inches x 27 3/ 4 inches x 1 1/ 2 inches on wood board. weight i am guessing. . did not weigh it. .. ++_ size for upload to my premiere portfolio only.                ...
Other - Acrylic Painting
32 x 28 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'just begun', 2011 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description:  . . started in earliest of afternoon. . step away for a while. . hardly any paints left. . so. . will do with the ones I have. . and this one is akra gold. . like to paint with that color. . has a special glow. . goes from orange/ to beautiful lightest of yellows. . depends, what ...
, 2011
Other - Acrylic Painting
32 x 28 inches ( x )
Luise Andersen: 'FEEL IN BLUES I update of progress mayfiftntwooelevn', 2011 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description:  needed to paint at sanctuary. . close to Nature. . and solitude. . at least most of time. .PLEASE ENLARGE THIS PHOTOGRAPHY OF MY ART WORK. .Photo taken in bright sunlight. .* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Many tranparent applied layers of acrylic paint in various choices of blue. . to express feel. .Look for expressions. . faces. . figures. . . ...
Other - Acrylic Painting
18 x 24 inches ( x )
Austen Pinkerton: 'THE BAY', 2011 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description:   LANDSCAPE ...
, 2011
Other - Acrylic Painting
30 x 24 inches ( x )
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Luise Andersen: 'Blue Core Work Update May One TwoOEleven', 2011 Acrylic Painting, Other. Artist Description:  . . . started to paint last night. . feel . . needed to express. . will continue today. . working on 'faces' . . . and forms. . hues layers. . transparent applied blues. . whites. . also opaques. .Was bouncing in moods. . did not have urge to change hues yet. . so created series of digital art works from photos I took, ...
Other - Acrylic Painting
18 x 24 inches ( x )