Stone Sculptures

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Terry Mollo, Dan Shiloh, Austen Pinkerton, Mac Worthington, Robin Antar, Martin Glick, Andrew Wielawski, Joe Xuereb, Depasquale Sculptures, Jane Jaskevich offering original Stone Sculptures artworks. Stone as a material for creating sculptures has been used since the earliest of time. Prehistoric sculptures such as the "Venus of Willendorf" were usually representations of the human form or faceless statues of the Cycladic cultures and later on ancient Greece. Most sculptors working with stone have used hammers and chisel as their tool for carving stone. To create a stone sculpture the artist first selects a stone for carving. The artist then removes material to create the artwork. This is called the direct method. There is also the indirect method which is used by a sculptor that creates a model, usually made from plaster or modeling clay, and then the model is copied in stone. The roughing out process begins by knocking off or pitching portions of unwanted stone. As the general shape of the sculpture has been determined the sculptor uses toothed chisels and claw chisels to create parallel lines in stone. This usually adds texture to the stone figure. And as the sculpture comes to completion the artist polishes the final product. Many different types of stone such as soap stone, limestone, sandstone, alabaster, marble, travertine, onyx and granite can be used. From ancient times to Persia to Greek and Roman sculptures to Michelangelo and the Renaissance to modernism, minimalism and contemporary works - many artists use a multitude of stone for creating fabulous stone sculptures.

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Terry Mollo: 'grey teardrop', 2024 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. Grey alabaster teardrop form with white and beige and darker grey striations...
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
7 x 15 inches (17.8 x 38.1 cm)
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Terry Mollo: 'crash', 2024 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Landscape. Spectacular fragmented planet earthafter a lethal crash.  Translucent alabaster. ...
, 2024
Abstract Landscape - Sculpture
9 x 15 inches (22.9 x 38.1 cm)
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Terry Mollo: 'churchyard marble', 2024 Stone Sculpture, Abstract. A revitalized decades- old piece of marble found on the side of a churchyard, includes mossy discoloration and years of history...
Abstract - Sculpture
10 x 22 inches (25.4 x 55.9 cm)
Dan Shiloh: 'stone eagle', 2023 Stone Sculpture, Animals. Volcanic stone sculpture of an eagle...
Animals - Sculpture
30 x 50 cm (11.8 x 19.7 inches)
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Dan Shiloh: 'stone portrait', 2023 Stone Sculpture, Portrait. Black volcanic stone abstract sculpture ...
Portrait - Sculpture
20 x 45 cm (7.9 x 17.7 inches)
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Dan Shiloh: 'embrace', 2023 Stone Sculpture, Body. White stone sculpture man and woman embracing...
, 2023
Body - Sculpture
30 x 30 cm (11.8 x 11.8 inches)
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Dan Shiloh: 'mother and son', 2023 Stone Sculpture, Love. Black volcanic stone sculpture of mother embracing her child...
Love - Sculpture
20 x 35 cm (7.9 x 13.8 inches)
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Terry Mollo: 'pelvic structure rear view', 2023 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. Italian white marble, rear view, shows female  with spine, and anatomical pelvic structure study at  the front. ...
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
7 x 9 inches (17.8 x 22.9 cm)
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Terry Mollo: 'shell with pearl', 2023 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. A grey and off- white marble, this shell has a black alabaster pearl nestled within. ...
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
6 x 22 inches (15.2 x 55.9 cm)
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Terry Mollo: 'caffe latte', 2023 Stone Sculpture, Abstract. This alabaster stone is a display of tan and beige and ivory striations and that is what inspired this piece. ...
Abstract - Sculpture
6 x 18 inches (15.2 x 45.7 cm)
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Austen Pinkerton: 'aeolus of the four winds', 2020 Stone Sculpture, Mythology. Started this sculpture early this year, but have been working on and off on other pieces, so made slow progress. Think I ve finished it at last.  Aeolus, of the Four Winds , Limestone, 20 x 28 x 23cm high. Apart from a very rough test piece years ago, my first ...
Mythology - Sculpture
28 x 23 cm (11.0 x 9.1 inches)
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Mac Worthington: 'sudden moments', 2020 Stone Sculpture, Abstract. Welded steel painted flame red. Available. Signed   dated. Certificate of Authenticity. Delivery, and shipping available.Studio   Sculpture Park: 5935 Houseman Rd, historic Ostrander, Ohio. 614- 582- 6788...
Abstract - Sculpture
42 x 78 inches (106.7 x 198.1 cm)
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Robin Antar: 'decorative bowl fluorite', 2015 Stone Sculpture, Undecided. a decorative bowl...
Undecided - Sculpture
13 x 3 inches (33.0 x 7.6 cm)
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Robin Antar: 'embrace', 2012 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. embrace, 2 people, stone, art, ...
, 2012
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
17 x 36 inches (43.2 x 91.4 cm)
Robin Antar: 'balancing act 3', 2016 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. balance, honeycomb calcite, abstract, figure, art...
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
11 x 11 inches (27.9 x 27.9 cm)
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Robin Antar: 'balancing act 1', 2017 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. honeycomb calcite, yoga, balance, figure, abstract, stone...
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
7 x 28 inches (17.8 x 71.1 cm)
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Robin Antar: '2 figures', 2012 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. carved out of alabaster, figures, conversations...
, 2012
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
25 x 16 inches (63.5 x 40.6 cm)
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Robin Antar: 'conversations 2', 2009 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. conversations, onyx, alabaster, figures, talking...
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
16 x 12 inches (40.6 x 30.5 cm)
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Robin Antar: 'conversations 1', 2009 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. conversations, figures, 2 figures, stone, art, abstract...
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
20 x 12 inches (50.8 x 30.5 cm)
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Robin Antar: 'him and her', 2009 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. carved out of a rare piece of alabaster, figures, male, female, relationships...
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
12 x 34 inches (30.5 x 86.4 cm)
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Martin Glick: 'Endymon', 2011 Stone Sculpture, Figurative.    Endymon was the young Greek man that fell in love with the moon.  this alabaster torso is reaching for the object of his obsession.  Because  the veining of the alabaster interfered with the classical form of the male, I painted the stone and then waxed the surface.  The feel of...
, 2011
Figurative - Sculpture
24 x 14 inches (61.0 x 35.6 cm)
Andrew Wielawski: 'Mykonian Man', 2008 Stone Sculpture, Figurative.  Mykonian man wants to know whether he shouild eat his apple, or try to sell it. ...
Figurative - Sculpture
125 x 100 cm (49.2 x 39.4 inches)
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Andrew Wielawski: 'Minotauress detail', 2008 Stone Sculpture, Mythology.  I can usually tell a sculptor who can't carve hair. All their figures are bald! For me, it' s like an abstract sculpture forming a part of the whole, because you certainly can' t make stone into strands that small, just create a sort of impressionistic feeling.  ...
Mythology - Sculpture
2 x 1.1 inches (5.1 x 2.8 cm)
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Andrew Wielawski: 'Minotauress detail', 2008 Stone Sculpture, Mythology.  The Minotauress holds the skull of one of her victims in one hand, and a string in the other with which to confuse the next one. ...
Mythology - Sculpture
2 x 1.1 m (6.56 x 3.61 feet)
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Andrew Wielawski: 'Minotauress', 2008 Stone Sculpture, Mythology.  In one of the stories I read about the labyrinth and the Minotaur, the idea was advanced that the tale was meant to be taken metaphorically. As such, the maze was the subconscious, and the Minotaur our deepest rooted fear. I believe men fear women more than anything else, no...
Mythology - Sculpture
2 x 1.1 m (6.56 x 3.61 feet)
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Joe Xuereb: 'introspection', 2021 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. This sculpture is hand carved from Globigerina limestone showing a figure s one hand moving inward  implying whole introspection. ...
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
40 x 65 cm (15.7 x 25.6 inches)
Joe Xuereb: 'comfort', 2015 Stone Sculpture, Love. Two loving figures are in total comfort, one against the other. Sculpture hand carved from the Malta limestone  Globigerina ...
, 2015
Love - Sculpture
28 x 57 cm (11.0 x 22.4 inches)
Depasquale Sculptures: 'genesis 1 21', 2018 Stone Sculpture, Marine. This piece entitled Genesis121Let the waters team with living creaturesis sculpted from California alabaster.  It has several marine life creatures, Killer Whale straight up, Shark regular side ways, Hammerhead Shark coming up , Dolphin right side , Dolphin tail, Shark tail left side and a Manta ray underside left fluke and head.  ...
Marine - Sculpture
12 x 12 inches (30.5 x 30.5 cm)
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Jane Jaskevich: 'dream', 2017 Stone Sculpture, Figurative. Reclining marble expressive female  figure...
, 2017
Figurative - Sculpture
11 x 9 inches (27.9 x 22.9 cm)
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Julia Cake: 'Les Amoureux', 2008 Stone Sculpture, Abstract Figurative. Art, kate middleton, norfolk art, sculpture, julia cake, monaco artiste, love art, artiste, marble, julia cake de monaco, cake, ...
Abstract Figurative - Sculpture
25 x 50 cm (9.8 x 19.7 inches)
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(Page 1 of 8) - MORE ARTWORKS

Artists Describing Their Art:

Terry Mollo - ARTISTS STATEMENT Stone is my most important medium. The attributes of stone motivate me to seek and appreciate the beauty that has evolved with time and natures forces. Whether marble, travertine, alabaster, agate, onyx, each piece has its own story to tell. Its hues, striations, translucence, brilliance- and faults- have history and mystery to unlock. While carving I listen to the stone and carve only enough to find, and unleash, its organic lines and its AC/a,!A"voice.AC/a,!A Im inspired by the point at which natures organic form meets the inorganic. I concentrate on the force and tension created between the two, and search for the line that is formed by their union. In my sculpture, organic and inorganic form often conjure human emotion, human condition. Natures sea forms, shells and waves, suggest human form, depth, fluidity, texture, tone. Botanicals are sensuous with leaves and flowers that appear muscled and fleshy. Stems of flowers, such as orchids or lilies, stand tall, appear happy or courageous and proud, while other stems are viney or gnarled and appear desperate or defeated. All are similar to the ways in which the anatomy and musculature of the human body reflect its deepest feelings and emotion. Terry ...

Dan Shiloh - I was born in Jerusalem Israel. I attended an officers nautical school and served in the navy as an engineer on a destroyer. After the navy I moved to Chicago USA and studied architecture at U of I Chicago campus and graduated in 1972 . I moved back to Israel and opened an architectural office in a small settlement in the Galilee region which became very successful. I retired about 10 years ago and opened as a hobby a black smith studio where I made metal sculptures. In 2009 I moved to Tel Aviv and started painting and sculpting in clay which I do up to these days. I was always interested in arts and I enjoy my painting and sculpting very much. Every year I travel to Florence Italy for at least a month where I paint and sculpt in the Accademia de Arte. I think its about time to share my work with the public and I hope it will enrich the homes of who ever likes my works....

Austen Pinkerton - Austen Pinkerton If I turn my mind to it very quickly I can come up with several ideas for works AC/a,!A|paintings, drawings, or sculptures. Sometimes ideas come to me when I least expect it, or when my mind is on other things. Ideas can be related to my current experiences, or to my feelings about things that are happening to me in my life at that particular time. Alternatively they can be related to a current interest, or something that occupies my attention at that moment, and my ideas and feelings about which Id like to share with others. A lot of my work is autobiographicalAC/a,!A|either directly or indirectly, consciously or subconsciously. It is frequently very personal, and expresses events or circumstances or experiences in my life. I usually work in either Acrylic on Canvas, Crayon or Pastel, or both together, with Gouache, on card, Drawing in pencil, or Ink, or both, or with creating SculptureAC/a,!A|for which I use fired artists clay. Sculpture follows a completely different set of rules and values from two-dimensional art, obviously, I think of it as Drawing in three dimensions and I take this into account when creating mine. In all my...

Mac Worthington - BIO Internationally recognized and locally renowned, Mac Worthington continues his inspirational fine art past his studio and into your home. Each piece reflects his desire for difference and neglect for the norm. Born and raised in Canton, Ohio also known as A-A?A1/2Little ChicagoA-A?A1/2, Mac was privileged to be molded around a family of artists. His father John A-A?A1/2JackA-A?A1/2 Worthington was a local artist, well-known for this bronze sculptures, specifically busts for movie stars and sports figures included in the Pro Football Hall of Fame located in Canton, Ohio. His mother Marion Worthington was skilled in enameling and silver work. The combination of creative talent and environment made him destined for artistic success. Serving in the jungles of Vietnam at the age of nineteen Mac interpreted the indescribable feelings of war into powerful expressions of art. He attributes additional creativeness to influences such as Hells Angels, Elvis, Bob Dylan, Marlon Brando and the 60A-A?A1/2s era. Going back to his roots he entered the world of heavy metal. Teaching himself to weld he used steel and iron to create massive, grandiose outdoor sculptures. Becoming more skilled with his mediums, he discovered the versatile use of high tech aluminum. This skill ...

Robin Antar - My abstract pieces depict the waves of thoughts moving through my mind at various moments. Sometimes, I sit in front of the stone, shut my eyes and meditate before starting the art process. I think of the form I need to create to transfer feelings of tranquility onto these works. When I feel angry, I attack the stone with the same mass array of sharp and powerful tools such as 7-inch diamond blades and high-powered air hammers, to chisel away and eliminate my stress, anxiety, and frustration. These emotions vanish as they are infused into the rock. Its true beauty of these sculpture lays not merely in its physical presence, but in its soul. My point is to bring a dead rock to life. What better way than to give it a physical shape and breathe my emotions into its grooves ...

Martin Glick - As a realistic sculptor I have often been accused of running against the tide of the more modern and abstract movements, but if you take a good look at the work the design is abstract. The look of the work may be, at first glance academic or classical, but the composition is very much in today's idiom. There is a strong sense of movement. Even in the symmetrical sculptures you feel as if they are about to move, like a stop motion camera. They all invite invite you to walk around and see the other side. There is often a strong emotional element and or a narrative. In some sense I am a story teller. Even when viewing one of my portraits you see the subject. Their history and personality is in their face for you to see and to react to. I have been told that my sculptures have something that is unique. There is a twist to the norm, a twist of the form, an emotional element that is mine. It is my heart and my particular view of the world. No price quoted on a sculpture means that it is at a gallery. All i inquiries...

Andrew Wielawski - Art must communicate ideas and have them received the way the artist intends, reaching as many viewers as possible to provoke an emotional response. If you go for those who are in the know about artistic periods, about current trends, and about a symbolic language that requires training to understand, then the artist will miss a huge audience. The artist then becomes a slave to styles created by others. If on the other hand, you work towards reaching multiple levels of viewers, then your task becomes more difficult, and at the same time, more fulfilling. An artist who creates a language will not fit into any already existing niche, and will alienate those looking for something they already know about, like gallerists, collectors and museums. Creativity, however, is like will find its way around such obstructions, and bring the artist satisfaction and a clientele that appreciates what they create without regard for what's in fashion. Most of all, this way of producing reflects the rarity of truth in a world mostly dedicated to superficial values. ...

Joe Xuereb - My work is inspired by the remains of the Neolithic era of Maltese pre-history. MaltaaEURtms Neolithic past is among its most precious heritages. I focus mainly on the female figure with its obvious manifestation of fertility and on emotions and relationships emerging from this archetype. I have based my philosophy of art on this figure because it highlights the maternal aspect of our Maltese civilization where the figure of the female principle has been a recurrent leitmotif, not least in the religious sphere. While my sculpture is rooted in the fertile soil of my countryaEURtms prehistory, it tries to transcend this basic heritage by treating universal themes such as love, protection, unity and fecundity arising naturally from its premises. My subconscious plays a central role in my artistic philosophy. I have been influenced by certain basic themes which recur in my thoughts even my dreams and which inspire my oeuvre. ...

Joe Xuereb - Jane Jaskevich - Jane Jaskevich Artist Statement Jaskevich is a carver of dreams in stone. Her mythical figures borrow elements from ancient cultures. Jane creates figures by combining various materials such as different stones, wood and found objects. She pays homage to the stonesA* Greco-Roman roots. Her recent series deals with the incomplete figure and is entitled A'The Silhouette Series A'. Partial heads that can be read as a silhouette are combined with full bodies. These sculptures suggest multiple ideas; ancient ruin, contemporary dreams, and flat vs 3D. 2012 brought exhibitions in the NYC Affordable Art Fair and her sculptures being published in Contemporary Sculptors by Kracun/ McFadden. Numerous Southeast galleries represent her. Jane received her BFA from University of Georgia and Masters in Art from Florida State with additional studies in Pietrasanta, Italy. Her public collections include an outdoor sculpture in a Michigan church and three sculptures for NationsBank Headquarters in Tampa. Jane has two sculptures in the permanent collection of the Polk Museum of Art in Lakeland, Florida. Her large-scale bronze sculptures are the focal point for the Tampa GTE Data Center. . ...