Paintings For Sale - Price Range: $600 - $699

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Discover 1,138 original painting artworks for sale between $600 - $699. Contemporary emerging artists: Lillian Abel, Alberto Antonucci are exhibiting their affordable original art. You can buy artwork online and browse 40 pages for more originals at the end of this page. To view detailed information for any of these artworks click the image or browse the artist's portfolio website.

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Alberto Antonucci: 'to Silvio The Asshole', 1996 Acrylic Painting, Political.
Political - Painting
68 x 94 cm (26.8 x 37.0 inches)
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  • Artists Describing Their Art:

    Lillian Abel - "My concentration on the oval permits constant shifts in imagery and composition. There are layers in these paintings that hint at worlds we do not see. They suggest "lifting the veil" to reveal dimensions we cannot know. I want to provoke a feeling of mystery for all who take the time to look at the work and experience the forms. My current work is a concentration on form and color. I layer several colors and either allow the grain of the wood to be part of the compostion or cover the grain in a new texture to contrast with the underlying grain or conceal it completely" Schomburg Gallery: The work of Lillian Abel embodies a strange and compelling stasis where form is the subject. The simple line becomes its own language, the language of equanimity and proportion. Abel's paintings suggest a controlled grace and formidable comprehension of color and composition. The works exist in the landscape of gesture and suggestiveness. Abel's obsession with the oval is that it is a unique and oddly inviolable shape. It becomes its own force in these paintings. Its placement on the canvas grips the picture plane and each work resolves into another...